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  • The Burrows-Wheeler transform [Elektronski vir] : data compression, suffix arrays, and pattern matching
    Adjeroh, Donald ; Bell, Timothy C. ; Mukherjee, Amar
    The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is a text transformation scheme that has found applications in different aspects of the data explosion problem, from data compression to index structures and search. The ... BWT belongs to a new class of compression algorithms, distinguished by its ability to perform compression by sorted contexts. More recently, the BWT has also found various applications in addition to text data compression, such as in lossless and lossy image compression, tree-source identification, bioinformatics, machine translation, shape matching, and test data compression. This book will serve
    Type of material - e-book ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - New York : Springer, ©2008
    Language - english
    ISBN - 978-0-387-78909-5; 0-387-78909-X; 978-0-387-78908-8; 0-387-78908-1
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1540848863


    SpringerLink e-books 2008-2012

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