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  • Distributed logistics platform based on Blockchain and IoT [Elektronski vir]
    Rožman, Nejc, 1995- ...
    This paper presents an approach to integrating Blockchain and IoT technologies into modern supply chains. We propose the concept of a new logistics platform that is built as a distributed network of ... nodes and offers an alternative approach dealing with the complexity of modern supply chains by breaking them into smaller, functionally independent parts. The modular structure of the platform allows users to add their own nodes or extend the functionality of the existing ones. Nodes are communicating with the use of IoT technology, which serves as a bridge between the virtual and real worlds, making this platform truly digital. Blockchain technology is not only used for writing down agreements and for making transactions, but also as a trustworthy public listing of services and information. It connects the nodes into a public and secure system that provides reliable services of a supply chain. In this work, we describe the individual nodes and their implementation and present preliminary results of experiments using a laboratory model of a logistic chain.
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2019
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 16701979