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  • Punishment and forgiveness in the First Book of Samuel
    Krašovec, Jože, 1944-
    The first book of Samuel displays an antithesis between the agents who recognise God's absolute authority and act in accordance with his commandments (Samuel, David, Jonathan, Abigail) and those who ... are driven by their own interests and passions (Eli's sons, the people in their dermand for a king, Saul, Nabal). The aim of the book is to show why Eli's priesthood and Saul's monarchy came to norhing, whereas the kingship of David prospered and his house endured. Everybody was judged on the basis of his obedience or disobedience to the universal divine rule. The most striking is the radical solution of the antithesis: ruthless rejection of Saul and his house and election of David and his line. Free election by God does not mean that David did not run the risk of disobedience and consequent rejection. Most dangerous was the tempation to the vengeance into his own hands, but David was loyal enough to pass that crucial test. When Saul, on the other hand, was losing his kingship he strove unscrupulously to keep it for himself and his house. His desperate jealousy and contriving actually permitted events to follow an opposite course to that which he sought. Key words: Bible, I Samuel, election, rejection.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 1994
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 1760090