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  • Neoliberal citizenship : sacred markets, sacrificial lives
    Mavelli, Luca
    With cosmopolitan illusions put to rest, Europe is now haunted by a pervasive neoliberal transformation of citizenship that subordinates inclusion, protection, and belonging to rationalities of ... value. Against the backdrop of four major crises - Eurozone, refugee, Brexit, and the COVID-19 pandemic - this book explores how neoliberal citizenship rewrites identities and solidarities in economic terms. The result is a sacralised market order in which those superfluous to economic needs and regarded as unproductive consumers of resources - be they undocumented migrants, debased citizens of austerity, or the elderly in care homes - are excluded and sacrificed for the well-being of the economy.
    Type of material - book ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Oxford ; New York (NY) : Oxford University Press, cop. 2022
    Language - english
    ISBN - 978-0-19-285758-3
    COBISS.SI-ID - 182150403

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National and University Library, Ljubljana Ljubljana NUK outside loan 1 cop.
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