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  • An unusual decomposition of a complete 7-partite graph of order 28
    Dobson, Edward Tauscher, 1965- ; Marušič, Dragan
    A decomposition of the complete 7-partite graph on 28 vertices where each set in the partition has four vertices is given. Several unusual properties of this decomposition are discussed, giving rise ... to several natural questions.
    Source: Discrete mathematics. - ISSN 0012-365X (Vol. 308, iss. 20, 2008, str. 4595-4598)
    Type of material - article, component part ; adult, serious
    Publish date - 2008
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 2018021

source: Discrete mathematics. - ISSN 0012-365X (Vol. 308, iss. 20, 2008, str. 4595-4598)
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