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  • Analiza kazalcev kakovosti pri odkrivanju in zdravljenju CIN v Sloveniji = Analysis of quality indicators for detection and treatment of CIN in Slovenia
    Možina, Andrej ...
    In Slovenia, the high incidence of cervical cancer after 1990 is inadmissible knowing that the local passive screening programme efficiently decreased the incidence of cervical cancer in the 1970's, ... and that at present a well brancednetwork of gynecologists and cytologists is available. The experience of the environments with properly organized services providing quality procedures shows that cervical cancer is a fully controllable disease. Methods. The analysis of measures and actual situation in developed countries,national research, surveys and numerous conclusions, have evidenced most of the probable causes of the increased incidence of cervical cancer in Slovenia. The quality of procedures in the detection and treatment of CIN is measurable in most of the set parameters. Quality indicators and standards arepart of recommendations prepared by the National Board for Obstetrics and Gynecology, and will help us to verifiably follow the experience of the good clinical practice in developed countries, while the informational system is being build. Data for the quality analysis in 2004 were contributed by 12 of the 14 colposcopy units in Slovenia. Measurement and assessment involves 30 parameters divided into 6 topic groups. Additionally, the assessment considered research projects and internal reports related to the topic of eachparatneter. Conclusions. The assessment showed the overall score to be 75%: if the appropriate environment and equipment were available it was 100%, the quality of treatment scored 80%, colposcopy diagnosis, knowledge and education scored 75%, preciseness of information provided to women, data eollection and audit scored 5O%. Audit of quality indicators in detection and treatment of CIN represents the first step of the process of quality assurance, which will be completely introduced in 2006 on the basis of the data in the registry of cervical pathology in Slovenia.
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2005
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 20253401