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  • Ocenjivanje karakteristika teško zapaljivih alternativnih goriva pri primjeni u dizlovom motoru
    Dobovišek, Želimir ; Savery, William
    The ignition properties in view of diesel ignition and combustion have been analyzed. It has been concluded that the cetane number experimentaly determined, has proved itself unsatisfactory for most ... net alternative fuels and their blends with diesel fuels or additives. An analysis of ignition delay estimation of some selected fuels with extremelypoor ignition qualit is presented. By correlation of experimental results, obtained by many authors and under very different ignition and operating conditions in diesel engines, a set of equations, based on Arhenius reaction kinetic law is generated. They include also other factors influencing alternative fuel ignition. The composition of expression is discussed and the conclusions about alternative fuel diesel ignition properties have been drawn.
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 1986
    Language - croatian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 214788