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  • Charlotte Posenenske (1930-... (cover)
    Charlotte Posenenske (1930-1985) : the same but different = Dasselbe anders : [John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, 25 January - 9 March 2011, Konrad Fischer Galerie, Düsseldorf, 21 January - 5 March 2011]
    Posenenske, Charlotte
    Type of material - catalogue ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Southampton : John Hansard Gallery, cop. 2011
    Language - english, german
    ISBN - 978-0-85432-925-0
    COBISS.SI-ID - 608239

Digital content: dCOBISS



Library/institution City Acronym For loan Other holdings
Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana Ljubljana MGALJ reading room 1 cop.
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