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  • S coachingom in mentorstvom v "novo normalnost" [Elektronski vir] = With coaching and mentoring into "new normal" : Kongres coachev in mentorjev 2021 = Coaching and Mentoring Congress 2021 : zbornik prispevkov Kongresa coachev in mentorjev 2021 = proceedings of the Coaching and Mentoring Congress 2021 : 10. junij 2021
    Kongres coachev in mentorjev (2021 ; online)
    What new skills should coaches and mentors develop to give effectively support in "new normal"? What kind of new technologies can help us develop coaching and mentoring? What new skills do we need to ... develop and improve ourselves? Now is time to explore the trends that will prevail and dictate the development of coaching and mentoring in the future. The Proceeding of International Coaching and Mentoring Congress 2021 is dedicated to exploring trends and new technologies in the field of coaching and mentoring, as well as developing new skills of professional coaches and mentors and those who want to embark on this path.
    Type of material - proceedings of conference contributions ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Ljubljana : Sofos, Inštitut za upravljanje znanja in razvoj talentov, 2021
    Language - slovenian, english
    ISBN - 978-961-94744-3-3
    COBISS.SI-ID - 67635203