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  • A JAVA collision detection for a WEB-based robot
    Šinjur, Smiljan ; Šafarič, Riko ; Žalik, Borut
    A WEB-based robot simulation with a collision detection system for general solid models is presented. Simulation system is being developed to study the design issues involved in providing remote ... users with Internet access to laboratory-based hardware. To ensure the widespread use of the system, the platform independant tool for the virtual laboratory is being used. Collision detection test is also platform independent and suitable to be executed directly on the users side. Two methods for collision detection are being described. The advantages and disadvantages, time complexity and time measurement of both algorithms is also discussed.
    Source: Proceedings (Str. 223-228)
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2002
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 7199766

source: Proceedings (Str. 223-228)
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