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  • Procjene povezanosti s prir...
    Anđić, Dunja

    Metodički ogledi, 07/2023, Volume: 30, Issue: 1
    Journal Article, Paper

    Aktualna interdisciplinarna istraživanja ukazuju na vezu između emocionalnog odnosa prema prirodi i čimbenika koji su rezultat suvremenih načina života poput nedostatnog kretanja i boravka u prirodi i pretjerane uporabe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Ti se čimbenici često dovode i u svezu sa zdravim razvojem djece školske dobi. U literaturi ‘povezanost s prirodom’ najčešće se opisuje kao pojam kojim se mjeri emocionalni i afirmativni odnos čovjeka i prirode. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku ispitanika koje su činili učenici osnovne škole, njihovi roditelji i učitelji u osnovnim školama Hrvatske i Slovenije (N=1345). U istraživanju je kao mjerni instrument korištena adaptirana skala Mjera povezanosti s prirodom (Chang i Monroe, 2012). Utvrđeno je da se povezanost s prirodom procjenjuje visokim rezultatima, ali i da ne postoji statistički značajna korelacija procjena povezanosti s prirodom učenika, roditelja i učitelja u Hrvatskoj, već samo kod slovenskih ispitanika. Implikacije rezultata istraživanja ogledaju se u promišljanju ove problematike za daljnja istraživanja u odgoju i obrazovanju. Current interdisciplinary research points to a connection between the emotional relationship with nature and factors resulting from modern lifestyles, such as insufficient exercise and time spent in nature, and excessive use of information and communication technologies. These factors are often associated with the healthy development of school-age children. In the literature, ‘connectedness to nature’ is usually described as a term that measures the emotional and positive relationship between people and nature. The research was conducted on a sample of respondents consisting of primary school pupils, their parents and teachers in primary schools in Croatia and Slovenia (N=1345). In the research, the adapted scale of the Connectedness to Nature Index (Chang and Monroe, 2012) was used as a measurement tool. It was found that connection with nature is rated with high scores, but also that there is no statistically significant correlation of the rating of connectedness to nature among pupils, parents and teachers in Croatia, but only among Slovenian respondents. The implications of the research results are reflected in the consideration of this topic for further research in the field of education.