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    Gierczyk, Błażej; Szczepkowski, Andrzej; Ślusarczyk, Tomasz; Kujawa, Anna

    Acta Mycologica, 2019, Volume: 54, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    Continuation of the mycological study of the fire-damaged pine forest in Kampinos National Park in central Poland in 2017 produced interesting new findings. Among the taxa collected, 36 were new to the Park, six had not been hitherto reported from Poland (Calycellina araneocincta, Ciliolarina aff. laetifica, Clitocybe metachroides, Galerina cerina f. longicystis, Parasola cuniculorum, Pleonectria pinicola), and the previous status of one taxon (Pleonectria cucurbitula) had been uncertain. Short descriptions based on collected specimens have been prepared for all taxa new to Poland. The current number of taxa of macromycetes identified in Kampinos National Park has reached 1604.