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  • Freire for the Classroom: A...
    Shor, Ira, Ed


    Intended for teachers who wish to explore alternatives to the dominant pedagogy in the United States, and reflecting the creative enthusiasm many teachers gain from Paulo Freire's ideas, this collection of essays presents practical examples of innovative classroom work being done in Freirean education in America, as well as examinations of his critical theory. Following an editor's introduction on using Freire's ideas in the classroom, the titles of the essays and their authors are as follows: (1) "Educating the Educators: A Freirean Approach to the Crisis in Teacher Education" (I. Shor); (2) "Problem-Posing Education: Freire's Method for Transformation" (N. Wallerstein); (3) "An Interactionist Approach to Advancing Literacy" (N. Elsasser and V. John-Steiner); (4) "Illiteracy and Alienation in American Colleges: Is Paulo Freire's Pedagogy Relevant?" (L. S. Finlay and V. Faith); (5) "'Strangers No More': A Liberatory Literacy Curriculum" (K. Fiore and N. Elsasser); (6) "Monday Morning Fever: Critical Literacy and the Generative Theme of 'Work'" (I. Shor); (7) "More than the Basics: Teaching Critical Reading in High School" (N. Zimmet); (8) "English and Creole: The Dialects of Choice in a College Writing Program" (N. Elsasser; P. Irvine); (9) "The Hidden Curriculum of Survival ESL" (E. R. Auerbach and D. Burgess); (10) "Feminist Values: Guidelines for Teaching Methodology in Women's Studies" (N. Schniedewind); (11) "Critical Mathematics Education: An Application of Paulo Freire's Epistemology" (with classroom examples from a math course appended--M. Frankenstein); and (12) "Letter to North-American Teachers" (P. Freire). (An appendix by C. Brown illustrating the Freire method as originally used in northeast Brazil, a bibliography, and notes on the contributors are included.) (NKA)