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  • Controversies in the Choice...
    Živadinović, Radomir; Lilić, Goran; Petrić, Aleksandra; Lilić, Vekoslav; Đorđević, Biljana

    Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 1/2012, Volume: 29, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    The incidence of preinvasive changes in the cervix is constantly rising. It is particularly alarming that there is a larger number of younger patients in whom some stage of these changes has been diagnosed or who had already received some type of treatment before. Technological development and improvement of various forms of treatment have lead to changes in the surgical approach to intraepithelial lesions of the cervix. The techniques that have been developed for this purpose, besides the coldknife conization, include loop excision, radio wave conization, laser conization and, recently, the conization by Harmonic scalpel. The question that inevitably arises is: Has the technological development led to more conservative approaches and improvement in the results of surgical treatment? This paper will try to partly answer this question and initiate some new questions and dilemmas. A comparative review of all of the abovementioned surgical techniques and their detailed analysis is expected to provide at least some answers to the controversial opinions for and against the new surgical procedures. The results of surgical treatments and their complications were analyzed with particular emphasis on the influence that these methods have on fertility. The conclusion is that there is no ideal surgical procedure which could replace and neglect the experience of a colposcopist. New surgical techniques have brought more surgical comfort and faster recovery but have not demonstrated significant change in the final results of treatment and recurrence. Incidenca preinvazivnih promena grlića materice je u stalnom porastu. Ono što je posebno zabrinjavajuće je da sve veći procenat bolesnica mlađe starosne dobi ima dijagnozu nekog od stadijuma ovih promena ili je već imala neki od vidova lečenja. Sa razvojem tehnologije i usavršavanjem različitih vidova lečenja došlo je i do promena u operativnom pristupu intraepitelnih lezija grlića materice. Uporedo sa klasičnom konizacijom nožem, razvijala se i tehnika Loop excizia, konizacija radiotalasima, konizacija laserom i u novije vreme konizacija ultrazvučnim nožem. Ono što se nameće kao pitanje je da li je razvoj tehnologije doveo do konzervativnijeg pristupa i boljitka u hirurškim rezultatima lečenja? Ovaj rad će pokušati da delimično odgovori na ovo pitanje i da pokrene neka nova pitanja i dileme. Uporednim prikazom svih gore pomenutih hirurških tehnika i njihovom detaljnom analizom očekujemo da dobijemo bar neke odgovore na kontraverzne stavove - za i protiv novih hirurških procedura. Analizirali smo rezultate hirurškog lečenja i njihove komplikacije, sa posebnim akcentom na uticaj ovih metoda na fertilnost. Došlo se do zaključka da ne postoji idealna hirurška procedura koja će zameniti i zanemariti iskustvo lekara kolposkopičara. Nove hirurške tehnike su dovele do većeg operativnog komfora, bržeg oporavka bolesnica, ali nisu bitno pro-menile ukupne rezultate lečenja i pojavu recidiva.