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Peer reviewed
    Boonchutima, Smith; Sankosik, Aniwat

    Društvena istraživanja, 10/2022, Volume: 31, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    In the last few years, and especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of everyday activities were shifted online. Therefore, marketing strategies had to adapt to this shift. This led to the development of new forms of marketing, including influencer marketing. Although credibility is often theorised as the reason why the audience prefers to follow influencers over celebrities, empirical evidence is mixed and unrelated to the gaming industry. Therefore, our aim in this study was to test if source credibility (and its three elements: attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise) predicts video games purchase intentions, as well as to check if the model misspecifications caused by ignored links of causality led to inconsistent conclusions in earlier studies. The results based on an international sample of PewDiePie's followers (N = 238) have confirmed both ideas: source credibility predicts purchase intentions and model misspecifications of source credibility could have led to inaccurate estimates in earlier studies. Keywords: source credibility, purchase intentions, attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise U zadnje vrijeme, a posebno tijekom pandemije COVID-19, vecina svakodnevnih aktivnosti premjestena je na internet. Stoga su se marketinske strategije morale prilagoditi ovoj promjeni. To je dovelo do razvoja novih oblika marketinga, ukljucujuci influencerski marketing. Iako se vjerodostojnost cesto teoretizira kao razlog zasto publika radije slijedi influencere nego slavne osobe, empirijski se dokazi razlikuju i nisu povezani s industrijom igara. Stoga je nas cilj u ovom radu bio ispitati predvida li vjerodostojnost izvora (i njegova tri cimbenika: privlacnost, pouzdanost i strucnost) namjeru kupnje videoigara, kao i provjeriti jesu li pogresne specifikacije modela uzrokovane zanemarenim uzrocno-posljedicnim vezama dovele do nedosljednosti zakljucaka u dosadasnjim studijama. Rezultati utemeljeni na medunarodnom uzorku PewDiePiejevih sljedbenika N = 238) potvrdili su obje ideje: vjerodostojnost izvora predvida namjere kupnje, a pogresne specifikacije modela vjerodostojnosti izvora mogle su dovesti do netocnih procjena u dosadasnjim studijama Kljucne rijeci: vjerodostojnost izvora, namjere kupnje, privlacnost, pouzdanost, strucnost