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  • Quality of Silage with Diff...
    Nascimento, Romilda Rodrigues do; Edvan, Ricardo Loiola; Nascimento, Keuven dos Santos; Barros, Lucas de Sousa; Bezerra, Leilson Rocha; Miranda, Rafael de Souza; Perazzo, Alexandre Fernandes; Araújo, Marcos Jácome de

    Agronomy (Basel), 01/2023, Volume: 13, Issue: 2
    Journal Article

    The objective of this study was to evaluate the silage produced with different mixtures of melon biomass with urea used as an additive. It adopted a completely randomized design in a 5 × 2 factorial scheme with five replications. The first factor was made up of five mixtures on an as-fed basis (AF) of the melon, including plant (branch and leaf) and fruit (culled melon, after harvest), where the amount of fruit varied as follows: 0% fruit, 5% fruit, 10% fruit, 20% fruit, and 100% fruit. The second factor was represented by the use of urea in the silage as follows: 0% and 1.5% urea AF. The highest silage dry matter (DM) content (200 g/kg DM) was observed in the silage with 20% fruit. Regarding the crude protein, the highest content (69.8 g/kg DM) was found in the silage with the addition of urea. The highest loss through the gas (GAS) was observed in the silages with 0% and 100% fruit (0.6 and 1.13%), with no addition of urea. The silages made with melon biomass and the addition of 20% and 100% fruit showed differences regarding the fermentative pattern, chemical composition, and aerobic stability, thus being the most indicated mixtures for silage making.