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  • Dynamics and Distribution o...
    Medvecká, Jana; Jarolímek, Ivan; Zaliberová, Mária

    Hacquetia, 01/2009, Volume: 8, Issue: 2
    Journal Article

    Based on research of ruderal vegetation in the Horná Orava region in the 1980s and in 2005-2007, a list of neophytes was compiled. Thirty-three species of neophytes have been found, representing 6% of the overall flora. The geographical origin, family, life-history, life-form and status of invasion of these species were assessed. The biggest proportion of the species was of North American origin (49%), therophytes (49%) and members of the family Asteraceae (38%). Most of the neophytes are garden "escapees" and only few of them may be considered to be of potential hazard to the studied region, most particularly Fallopia japonica, Impatiens glandulifera and Solidago canadensis. Types of plant communities, where particular neophytes were found, and the foci of their distribution were evaluated as well. Neophytes are most abundant in communities of the class Galio-Urticetea, and especially of the alliance Senecionion fluviatilis. Comparing older and present data, trends in the progression of non-indigenous species in the Horná Orava region were predicted. It is apparent that the number of localities of invasive species is increasing and even other species that in the literature from the other regions are mentioned as invasive tend to spread through the area. Na podlagi raziskav ruderalne vegetacije območja Horná Orava v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja in med letoma 2005 in 2007 smo sestavili seznam neofitskih vrst. Ugotovili smo triintrideset neofitov, ki pomenijo šest odstotkov celotne flore območja. Prikazali smo zemljepisni izvor, taksonomsko pripadnost, življenjsko dobo in obliko rastlin in status invazivnosti. Največji delež vrst je severnoameriškega izvora (49 odstotkov), so terofiti (49 odstotkov) in jih uvrščamo v družino Asteraceae (38 odstotkov). Večina neofitov je "ubežnikov" z vrtov in le nekaj jih je potencialno nevarnih za obravano območje, to so predvsem vrste Fallopia japonica, Impatiens glandulifera in Solidago canadensis. Ovrednotili smo tudi rastlinske združbe, v katerih se neofiti pojavljajo, in žarišča njihovega razširjanja. Neofiti so najbolj pogosti v združbah razreda Galio-Urticetea in še posebej zveze Senecionion fluviatilis. S primerjavo starejših in sedanjih podatkov smo napovedali trende v razširjanju tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst na območju Horná Orava. Število rastišč z invazivnimi vrstami se je očitno povečalo, prav tako smo opazili razširjanje vrst, omenjenih v literaturi kot invazivne z drugih območj.