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  • Subalpine Beech Forest with...
    Surina, Boštjan; Rakaj, Marash

    Hacquetia, 12/2007, Volume: 6, Issue: 2
    Journal Article

    Subalpine beech stands with Hairy Alpenrose (Rhododendron hirsutum) were phytosociologically studied on Mt. Snežnik (Dinaric Mts). They thrived on stony and steep slopes of northern exposure. Comparisons with other subalpine Beech stands (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum s. lat.), Dinaric Fir-Beech stands with Hairy Alpen-rose (Omphalodo-Fagetum s. lat. rhododendretosum hirsuti), and prealpine fir-beech stands with Hairy Alpenrose (Homogyno sylvestris-Fagetum s. lat. rhododendretosum hirsuti), stands of Hairy Alpenrose and Beech (Rhododendro hirsuti-Fagetum s. lat.), as well as Austrian subalpine beech stands (Saxifrago rotundifoliae-Fagetum s. lat.) showed their unique floristical composition due to ecological conditions, and thus distinct syntaxonomical position within the association Polysticho-Fagetum. Therefore, a new subassociation Polysticho-Fagetum rhododendretosum hirsuti subass. nova was described, and - as differential species for the subassociation - Rhododendron hirsutum, Rubus saxatilis, Rosa pendulina, and Clematis alpina were chosen. Prispevek podaja fitocenološko oznako subalpinskega bukovega gozda (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum) z dlakavim slečem (Rhododendron hirsutum) na Snežniku. Obravnavani sestoji uspevajo na kamnitih in/ali skalnatih ter strmih pobočjih severnih ekspozicij. Primerjave z ostalimi subalpinskimi bukovimi ter (jelovo-) bukovimi se-stoji z dlakavim slečem (Omphalodo-Fagetum rhododendretosum hirsuti, Homogyno sylvestris rhododendretosum hirsuti, Rhododendro-Fagetum) ter subalpinskimi bukovji iz Avstrije (Saxifrago rotundifolii-Fagetum) so pokazale njihov poseben sintaksonomski položaj v okviru asociacije Polysticho-Fagetum. Zato smo te sestoje uvrstili v novo suba-sociacijo Polysticho-Fagetum rhododendretosum hirsuti subass. nova, za razlikovalnice pa izbrali vrste Rhododendron hirsutum, Rubus saxatilis, Rosa pendulina in Clematis alpina