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  • Influence of row spacing on...
    AČKO, Darja; Trdan, Stanislav

    Acta agriculturae slovenica, 06/2008, Volume: 91, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    In the period 2003-2006 we have performed block trials with two flax (Linum usitatissimum) cultivars: RBK cultivar (domestic flax population from Raztresen farm in Bela Krajina) and Laura cultivar (fibre-type-flax from the Common Catalogue of EU). The trial was carried out at the Experimental Field at the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The two cultivars were sown in the first decade of April with manual sowing machine to the row spacing of 8.5 cm, 17 cm and 34 cm. Crop care was traditional. The plants were plucked at the end of the yellow maturity (the last decade of July). There was no significant difference between the average yields of stems produced at the row spacing of 8.5 cm (1.92 t/ha) and 17 cm (1.99 t/ha), but significantly the lowest yield was reached at the row spacing of 34 cm (1.52 t/ha). In the period of 4 years the average yield of stems that was reached by the RBK cultivar was 1.83 t/ha, and the one reached by the Laura cultivar was unsignificantly lower (1.79 t/ha). Compared to the average yield of the flaxseed from both cultivars produced at the row spacing of 8.5 cm (1.34 t/ha) and 34 cm (1.01 t/ha), the average yield of the seeds obtained from the 17 cm row spacing was significantly the highest (1.52 t/ha); for 0.11 t seed/ha the RBK cultivar (1.35 t/ha) was significntly more productive than the Laura cultivar. The influence of growing conditions to the yield of stems and seed was most favourable in the year of the drought (2003), when - with the cultivar RBK and at the row spacing of 17 cm - we produced significantly the highest quantity of stems (2.64 t/ha) and seeds (1.93 t/ha). We discovered that the unbranched stem of the RBK cultivar corresponds to the fibre-type-flax, the hight of plants (50 to 60 cm), absolute mass (6.3 to 6.8 g) and the yield of the seed (above 1 t/ha) show good biological capability for the seed production. Production and processing of flax should not remain just an attractive cultural and historical presentation of this activity at some turist farms in Bela Krajina (JV of Slovenia); it should also present a challenge to young farmers to find the place for this crop in organic production of food and other raw materials with the use of mechanisation and modern technological procedures. The production and processing of flax presents the possibility for increased biotic diversity of the cultural landscape and revitalization of rural areas. Na poskusnem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani (Slovenija) so bili v obdobju 2003-2006 izvedeni bločni poljski poskusi s kultivarjema lanu (Linum usitatissimum L.) RBK (domača populacija lanu s kmetije Raztresen v Beli Krajini) in Laura (vlaknati tip lanu iz Skupnega kataloga kultivarjev poljščin EU). Lan je bil v vseh letih posejan v prvi dekadi aprila z ročno sejalnico na medvrstni razmik 8,5 cm, 17 cm in 34 cm. Oskrba posevka je bila tradicionalna. Rastline smo populili konec rumene zrelosti (zadnja dekada julija). Med povprečnima pridelkoma stebel pri razmiku 8,5 cm (1,92 t/ha) in 17 cm (1,99 t/ha) ni bilo značilnih razlik, značilno najmanjši pridelek stebel pa je lan dosegel pri razmiku 34 cm (1,52 t/ha). Povprečni pridelek stebel v obdobju 4 let je pri kultivarju RBK znašal 1,83 t/ha, pri kultivarju Laura pa je bil neznačilno manjši, to je 1,79 t/ha. V primerjavi s povprečnim pridelkom semena obeh kultivarjev pri razmiku 8,5 cm (1,34 t/ha) in 34 cm (1,01 t/ha), je bil povprečni pridelek semena pri razmiku 17 cm značilno največji (1,52 t/ha); kultivar RBK (1,35 t/ha) je bil za 0,11 t semena/ha značilno produktivnejši od kultivarja Laura. Vpliv rastnih razmer na pridelek stebel in semena je bil najbolj ugoden v najbolj sušnem letu (2003), ko smo pri razmiku 17 cm s kultivarjem RBK pridelali značilno največ stebel (2,64 t/ha) in semena (1,93 t/ha). Ugotovili smo, da nerazvejeno steblo kultivarja RBK sicer ustreza vlaknatemu tipu lanu, višina rastlin (50 do 60 cm), absolutna masa (6,3 do 6,8 g) in pridelek semena (nad 1 t/ha) pa kažejo na dobro biološko zmogljivost za pridelavo semen. Pridelava in predelava lanu ne sme ostati le privlačen kulturno-zgodovinski prikaz te dejavnosti na nekaterih turističnih kmetijah v Beli Krajini (JV Slovenija), ampak tudi izziv za mlade, da s pomočjo mehaniziranih in sodobnih tehnoloških postopkov tej poljščini najdéjo mesto v ekološki pridelavi hrane in neprehranskih surovin. Navsezadnje je pridelava in predelava lanu možnost za večjo biotsko pestrost kulturne krajine in ohranjanje poseljenosti podeželja.