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  • Extraction of phenolic comp...
    Jakopic, Jerneja; Veberic, Robert; stampar, Franci

    Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 05/2009, Volume: 93, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    The extractive efficiency of phenolic compounds from plant material is greatly depended on the solvent. In our research, methanol and ethanol were used for taking out the phenols from green walnut fruits. The total phenolics and some individual phenolics, such as gallic, chlorogenic, ellagic, sinapic and protocatechuic acid, (+)-catechin and juglone were detected. Total phenolic contents were determined spectrofotometric but individual phenols using HPLC. Amounts of total phenolics were higher when for extraction methanol was used compare to ethanol, in both cultivars, Elit and Franquette. Similar effect of the solvents was observed in the case some individual phenols, such as juglone, (+)- catechin, gallic, protocatechuic and chlorogenic acid. On the contrary, for ellagic and sinapic acid the extraction was better when ethanol was used compare to methanol. Učinkovitost ekstrakcije fenolnih snovi iz rastlinskega tkiva je v veliki meri odvisna od topila. V našem poskusu smo primerjali ekstrakcijo fenolov iz zelenih plodov orehov z etanolom in metanolom. Določali smo skupne in nekatere posamezne fenolne spojine, kot so galna, klorogenska, elagna, sinapinska in protokatehulna kislina, ter (+)-katehin in juglon. Skupne fenole smo določili spektrofotometrično, posamezne pa s pomočjo HPLC sistema. Vsebnost skupnih fenolov je bila pri obeh sortah, ‘Elit’ in ‘Franquette’, večja pri ekstrakcji v metanolu kot v etanolu. Podobne rezultate smo dobili pri nekaterih posameznih fenolih, kot so juglon, (+)-katehin, galna, protokatehulna in klorogenska kislina. Nasprotno je bila ekstrakcija pri elagni in sinapinski kislini bolj uspešna v etanolu kot v metanolu.