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  • The response of two potato ...
    Germ, Mateja

    Acta agriculturae slovenica, 06/2008, Volume: 91, Issue: 1
    Journal Article

    The combined effect of selenium (Se) foliar spraying and drought was studied for 3 months in two cultivars of potato; Bard and Adora in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Four combinations of treatments were conducted: well-watered plants with and without Se foliar spraying, and drought exposed plants with and without Se foliar spraying. Net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), and respiration potential measured by electron transport system activity were monitored throughout the period. After three months of treatment, leaf water potential, the number and size of leaf stomata, and tuber yield were determined. Several impacts of drought and Se application and their combinations were established, and the responses shown to be cultivar-specific. Net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, effective quantum yield of PSII, and respiratory potential were lower in drought exposed plants. Se lowered respiratory potential in the leaves in cv. Bard. The mass of the tubers in cv. Adora, and photosynthesis in cvs. Bard and Adora were lower in Se treated plants. Se treatment did not significantly affect the number and size of leaf stomata in the cultivars. Kombiniran vpliv selena (Se) in suše na dva kultivarja krompirja Bard in Adora, smo preučevali v poskusu, ki je trajal tri mesece. Rastline so bile izpostavljene štirim kombinacijam obravnavanja: zalite rastline z ali brez foliarnega gnojenja s Se in suši izpostavljene rastline z ali brez foliarnega gnojenja s Se. V rastni sezoni smo spremljali neto fotosintezo, transpiracijo, fotokemično učinkovitost fotosistema II (FSII) in respiratorni potenical, merjen s pomočjo meritev aktivnosti terminalnega elektronskega transporta. Po treh mesecih, ko so bile rastline izpostavljene vsem obravnavam, smo izmerili še vodni potencial v listih, število in dimenzije listnih rež in pridelek gomoljev. Preučevana kultivarja sta se na učinke suše in dodanega Se odzvala na različne načine. Neto fotosinteza, transpiracija, fotokemična učinkovitost fotosistema II (FSII) in respiratorni potenical so bili nižji pri rastlinah, ki so bile izpostavljene suši. Rastline, foliarno gnojene s Se so imele nižji respiratorni potencial pri kultivarju Bard. Masa gomoljev pri kultivarju Adora in fotosinteza pri obeh kultivarjih sta bili nižji pri rastlinah, kjer smo dodali Se. Dodatek Se ni bistveno vplival na število in dimenzije listnih rež pri preučevanih kultivarjih.