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  • Lenarcic, Blaz

    Raziskave in razprave (Spletna izd.), 05/2014, Volume: 7, Issue: 2
    Journal Article

    The contribution focuses on the relationship between social and societal dimension of cyberspace. In the first part is focus on social dimension of cyberspace namely the relationship between ICTs (as a generator of cyberspace) and society or its actors. In this context social network sites whose course of development was to a large extent directed by users are highlighted. On this basis is argued that in cyberspace technological and social dimensions are intertwined. This means that cyberspace needs to be considered as socio-technological entity. The second part of the contribution focuses on social dimension of cyberspace, at this point author advocates that impacts of ICTs on user's social life are rather complex and it is impossible to identify them as only positive or negative. With this purpose significant researches, which examine influences that ICTs have on user's social life, are highlighted. What follows is argumentation of the importance of interconnectedness of social dynamics that take place in physical space and cyberspace as well. The latter is one of the key characteristics of contemporary society. The contribution ends with the discussion about the suitability of current expressions which are used for social network sites in Slovenian language.