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  • Long-term outcome of autism...
    Posar, Annio; Visconti, Paola

    Turk Pediatri Arsivi, 12/2019, Volume: 54, Issue: 4
    Journal Article

    In most cases, autism spectrum disorder is a life-long condition, often severely affecting the quality of life of the patient and his/her family, but nowadays this diagnosis should not be considered a final sentence without appeal. Although even today the recovery from the autism spectrum is an unlikely possibility, a timely psycho-educational intervention can significantly improve the level of autonomy reached by the individual and therefore favorably modify the outcome. Some predictors of long-term outcome are known, primarily childhood intelligence quotient and early language/communication ability, but today this issue is still open. The lack of studies evaluating the long-term effects of the most important intervention programmes should be filled with adequate research. Community support and social integration may be very important in improving outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. But a real social integration involves a work activity and this is still a great problem today. An adequate and timely preparation of the working career of these individuals is fundamental for their future, and it should be done by choosing, as far as possible, suitable activities for them. Finally, in creating a dignified future for people with autism, we must never forget to listen to their point of view, whenever possible, in order to meet their particular needs. Keywords: Adolescence, adulthood, autism spectrum disorder, follow-up, long-term outcome, prognostic factors Otizm spektrum bozuklugu, cogu olguda yasam boyu devam eden bir durumdur ve siklikla hastanin ve ailesinin yasam kalitesini ciddi derecede etkiler. Ancak, gunumuzde bu tani itirazsiz son tani olarak kabul edilmemelidir. Gunumuzde, otizm spektrumunun duzelmesi, uzak bir olasilik olmasina ragmen, zamaninda yapilacak bir psiko-egitim mudahalesi, kisinin ulasacagi otonomi duzeyini onemli derecede artirabilir ve bu nedenle, seyri olumlu sekilde degistirebilir. Uzun vadeli sonuclarin bazi ongostergeleri bilinmektedir (oncelikle cocukluk cagi zeka katsayisi ve erken dil/iletisim becerisi), ama gunumuzde bu konu halen karara baglanmamistir. En onemli mudahale programlarinin uzun vadedeki etkilerini degerlendiren calismalarin eksikligi, uygun arastirmalarla doldurulmalidir. Toplum destegi ve sosyal entegrasyon, otizm spektrum bozuklugu olan kisiler icin sonuclarin iyilestirilmesi acisindan cok onemli olabilir. Ancak, gercek bir sosyal entegrasyon, calisma faaliyetini icerir ve bu konu halen buyuk bir sorundur. Is kariyeri icin uygun ve zamaninda hazirlik yapilmasi, bu kisilerin gelecegi icin esastir ve bu hazirlik, mumkun oldugu kadar kisiye uygun aktivitelerin secilmesi seklinde yapilmalidir. Son olarak, otizmi olan kisiler icin saygin bir gelecek yaratirken, onlarin ozel gereksinimlerini karsilayabilmek uzere, kendi bakis acilarinin dinlenmesi asla unutulmamalidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Ergenlik, eriskinlik, izlem, otizm spektrum bozuklugu, prognostik etmenler, uzun vadeli sonuclar