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Impact factor for journal Alzheimer's and Dementia in year 2022

Year 2022
Journal title Alzheimer's and Dementia
ISSN 1552-5260/1552-5279
Impact factor 3.488

Science Edition (SE) rankings

2717 2719 2804 2806 2728 2738 2713
Geriatrics and Gerontology Health Policy Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Developmental Neuroscience Neurology (clinical) Psychiatry and Mental Health Epidemiology
Rank 1/107 3/261 2/91 1/34 7/373 13/531 4/117
Quarter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
IFx 0.999 0.943 1.108 1.076 1.024 1.053 1.102
IFmax of 1st quarter 3.488 5.325 5.428 3.488 13.538 11.638 9.083
IFmin of 1st quarter 1.359 1.266 1.258 1.232 1.337 1.352 1.366
IFmax of 2nd quarter 1.351 1.263 1.250 1.152 1.329 1.351 1.353
IFmin of 2nd quarter 0.967 0.833 0.932 0.943 0.871 0.895 0.944
IFmax of 3rd quarter 0.931 0.831 0.930 0.930 0.866 0.881 0.925
IFmin of 3rd quarter 0.583 0.447 0.756 0.735 0.423 0.457 0.404
IFmax of 4th quarter 0.575 0.439 0.755 0.722 0.414 0.450 0.403
IFmin of 4th quarter 0.099 0.004 0.016 0.099 0.001 0.001 0.030
ID=428692 Created 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cAlzheimer's and Dementiah24525i742j3.488
110 f1552-5260
200 e1552-5260
210 a1552-5279
300 c2717dGeriatrics and Gerontologyu1/107x0.999y1.359z3.4880113.48821.35931.35140.96750.93160.58370.57580.099
300 c2719dHealth Policyu3/261x0.943y1.266z5.3250115.32521.26631.26340.83350.83160.44770.43980.004
300 c2804dCellular and Molecular Neuroscienceu2/91x1.108y1.258z5.4280115.42821.25831.25040.93250.93060.75670.75580.016
300 c2806dDevelopmental Neuroscienceu1/34x1.076y1.232z3.4880113.48821.23231.15240.94350.93060.73570.72280.099
300 c2728dNeurology (clinical)u7/373x1.024y1.337z13.53801113.53821.33731.32940.87150.86660.42370.41480.001
300 c2738dPsychiatry and Mental Healthu13/531x1.053y1.352z11.63801111.63821.35231.35140.89550.88160.45770.45080.001
300 c2713dEpidemiologyu4/117x1.102y1.366z9.0830119.08321.36631.35340.94450.92560.40470.40380.030