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Impact factor for journal Afghanistan in year 2022

Year 2022
Journal title Afghanistan
ISSN 2399-357X/2399-3588
Impact factor 0.912

Social Science Edition (SSE) rankings

1202 1213 3314 1204 1205 1208 1212
History Visual Arts and Performing Arts Anthropology Archeology (arts and humanities) Classics Literature and Literary Theory Religious Studies
Rank 347/1264 98/491 152/442 70/330 28/111 136/746 110/457
Quarter 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
IFx 0.737 0.578 0.799 0.666 0.686 0.591 0.640
IFmax of 1st quarter 16.903 3.466 3.405 3.848 3.466 12.917 5.106
IFmin of 1st quarter 0.957 0.795 1.065 0.849 0.912 0.788 0.893
IFmax of 2nd quarter 0.954 0.790 1.064 0.847 0.909 0.785 0.883
IFmin of 2nd quarter 0.585 0.451 0.654 0.577 0.556 0.453 0.543
IFmax of 3rd quarter 0.584 0.450 0.652 0.573 0.555 0.452 0.541
IFmin of 3rd quarter 0.280 0.208 0.389 0.282 0.282 0.228 0.261
IFmax of 4th quarter 0.278 0.205 0.388 0.281 0.281 0.227 0.253
IFmin of 4th quarter 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.003
ID=438683 Created 05.10.2023 SNIP::IZUM
100 a2022cAfghanistanh9i10j0.912
120 f2399-357X
200 e2399-357X
210 a2399-3588
400 c1202dHistoryu347/1264x0.737y0.585z0.95402116.90320.95730.95440.58550.58460.28070.27880.001
400 c1213dVisual Arts and Performing Artsu98/491x0.578y0.795z3.4660113.46620.79530.79040.45150.45060.20870.20580.002
400 c3314dAnthropologyu152/442x0.799y0.654z1.0640213.40521.06531.06440.65450.65260.38970.38880.005
400 c1204dArcheology (arts and humanities)u70/330x0.666y0.849z3.8480113.84820.84930.84740.57750.57360.28270.28180.003
400 c1205dClassicsu28/111x0.686y0.912z3.4660113.46620.91230.90940.55650.55560.28270.28180.002
400 c1208dLiterature and Literary Theoryu136/746x0.591y0.788z12.91701112.91720.78830.78540.45350.45260.22870.22780.001
400 c1212dReligious Studiesu110/457x0.640y0.893z5.1060115.10620.89330.88340.54350.54160.26170.25380.003