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zadetkov: 313
  • Australian Clinical Legal E... Australian Clinical Legal Education : Designing and operating a best practice clinical program in an Australian law school
    Evans, Adrian; Cody, Anna; Copeland, Anna ... Australian Journal of Clinical Education, 01/2017, Letnik: 2, Številka: 1
    eBook, Book Review
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    Clinical legal education (CLE) is potentially the major disruptor of traditional law schools’ core functions. Good CLE challenges many central clichés of conventional learning in law—everything from ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK

  • Australian Universities Australian Universities

    Australian Universities: A conversation about public good highlights contemporary challenges facing Australian universities and offers new ideas for expanding public good. More than 20 experts take ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Archaeological Theory and t... Archaeological Theory and the Politics of Cultural Heritage
    Smith, Laurajane 2004, 20040802, 2004-08-13, 2004-08-02

    This controversial book is a survey of how relationships between indigenous peoples and the archaeological establishment have got into difficulty, and a crucial pointer to how to move forward from ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • South Flows the Pearl South Flows the Pearl
    Mavis Gock Yen 02/2022

    South Flows the Pearl is a fascinating journey through the history of Chinese Australia. Taking the reader from Shanghai and the Pearl River Delta to Sydney, Perth, Cairns, Darwin, Bendigo and ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Learning Whiteness Learning Whiteness
    Sriprakash, Arathi; Rudolph, Sophie; Gerrard, Jessica 2022

    As racism persists across the world, we need to understand the role of education in sustaining white supremacy.
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Regulatory Theory : Foundat... Regulatory Theory : Foundations and applications
    Drahos, Peter 01/2017
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    This volume introduces readers to regulatory theory. Aimed at practitioners, postgraduate students and those interested in regulation as a cross-cutting theme in the social sciences, Regulatory ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, ODKLJ, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Fighting Australia's Cold War Fighting Australia's Cold War
    Peter Dean, Tristan Moss 11/2021
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    In the first two decades of the Cold War, Australia fought in three conflicts and prepared to fight in a possible wider conflagration in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. In Korea, Malaya and Borneo, ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Locating Chinese Women Locating Chinese Women
    Bagnall, Kate; Martínez, Julia T 09/2021

    This ground-breaking edited collection draws together Australian historical scholarship on Chinese women, their gendered migrations, and their mobile lives between China and Australia. It considers ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Why Australia prospered Why Australia prospered
    McLean, Ian W 2012., 20121111, 2012, 2013-01-01, 20130101, Letnik: 43

    This book is the first comprehensive account of how Australia attained the world's highest living standards within a few decades of European settlement, and how the nation has sustained an enviable ...
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Dostopno za: CEKLJ, NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
1 2 3 4 5
zadetkov: 313

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