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zadetkov: 227.770
  • Moschee-Neubauten : Institu... Moschee-Neubauten : Institutionalisierung, Bedeutung und Sichtbarkeit in England und der Schweiz (Edition 1)
    Stöckli, Lucia 01/2020
    Odprti dostop

    In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind in Europa vermehrt Moschee-Neubauten entstanden. Lucia Stöcklis religionswissenschaftliche Studie geht der Geschichte der Etablierung der Moschee-Neubauten in England ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • The Fatimid Empire The Fatimid Empire
    Brett, Michael 2017, 2017-02-03

    From its foundation at the beginning of the tenth to its final disappearance towards the end of the twelfth century, the Fatimid Empire played a central but controversial role in the history of ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • The ethnographic state The ethnographic state
    Burke, Edmund 2014., 20140910, 2014, 2014-09-10

    Alone among Muslim countries, Morocco is known for its own national form of Islam, "Moroccan Islam." However, this pathbreaking study reveals that Moroccan Islam was actually invented in the early ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Islamic Nationhood and Colo... Islamic Nationhood and Colonial Indonesia
    Laffan, Michael Francis 2003, 20030902, 2002, 2003-09-02, 20020101

    Drawing on previously unavailable archival material, this book argues that Indonesian nationalism rested on Islamic ecumenism heightened by colonial rule and the pilgrimage. The award winning author ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
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  • The Ethical Soundscape The Ethical Soundscape
    Hirschkind, Charles 2006., 20061010, 2006, 2006-10-20, 20060101

    Charles Hirschkind's unique study explores how a popular Islamic media form—the cassette sermon—has profoundly transformed the political geography of the Middle East over the last three decades. An ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Muslim lives in Eastern Europe Muslim lives in Eastern Europe
    Ghodsee, Kristen 2009., 20090727, 2009, c2010., Letnik: 29
    eBook, Book

    Muslim Lives in Eastern Europeexamines how gender identities were reconfigured in a Bulgarian Muslim community following the demise of Communism and an influx of international aid from the Islamic ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Politics of Desecularization Politics of Desecularization
    Saeed, Sadia 10/2016

    Over time the Pakistani state has moved from accommodating the Ahmadiyya community as full citizens of the state to forcibly declaring them non-Muslim and eventually criminalizing them for their ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Violence and Belief in Late... Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity
    Sizgorich, Thomas 03/2012

    InViolence and Belief in Late Antiquity, Thomas Sizgorich seeks to understand why and how violent expressions of religious devotion became central to the self-understandings of both Christian and ...
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Dostopno za: UPUK
  • Can islam be french? Can islam be french?
    Bowen, John R 2010., 20090908, 2009, 2009-09-08, 20090101, Letnik: 43

    Can Islam Be French? is an anthropological examination of how Muslims are responding to the conditions of life in France. Following up on his book Why the French Don't Like Headscarves, John Bowen ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
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zadetkov: 227.770

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