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zadetkov: 23
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Poetry in the Mind Poetry in the Mind
    Gavins, Joanna 2020, 2020-12-04

    Poetry in the Mind is the first book-length cognitive analysis focused entirely on 21st century poetic texts and their conceptual effects. Addressing central poetic notions or features of poetic ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • A Biocultural Approach to L... A Biocultural Approach to Literary Theory and Interpretation
    Easterlin, Nancy 2012, 2012-05-31

    Combining cognitive and evolutionary research with traditional humanist methods, Nancy Easterlin here demonstrates how a biocultural perspective in theory and criticism opens up new possibilities for ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Strange Narrators in Contem... Strange Narrators in Contemporary Fiction
    Caracciolo, Marco 12/2016
    Odprti dostop

    A storyteller's craft can often be judged by how convincingly the narrative captures the identity and personality of its characters. In this book, the characters who take center stage are "strange" ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK

  • Literature As Thought Exper... Literature As Thought Experiment?
    Bornmüller, Falk; Franzen, Johannes; Lessau, Mathis 2019, 20190701

    Many people share the intuition that by turning to works of literature something can be learned about the world. One way to explain the epistemic access to the world that fictional literature ...
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Dostopno za: UPUK
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  • Getting Inside Your Head Getting Inside Your Head
    Zunshine, Lisa 2012, 2012-09-03

    We live in other people's heads: avidly, reluctantly, consciously, unaware, mistakenly, and inescapably. Our social life is a constant negotiation among what we think we know about each other's ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Cognitive Grammar in Contem... Cognitive Grammar in Contemporary Fiction
    Harrison, Chloe 2017, 2017-05-24, Letnik: 26

    This book proposes an extension of Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1987, 1991, 2008) towards a cognitive discourse grammar, through the unique environment that literary stylistic application offers. ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Stories and Minds Stories and Minds
    Bernaerts, Lars; de Geest, Dirk; Herman, Luc ... 06/2013

    How do narratives draw on our memory capacity? How is our attention guided when we are reading a literary narrative? What kind of empathy is triggered by intercultural novels? A cast of international ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
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zadetkov: 23

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