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zadetkov: 163.935
  • The Ethics of Transracial A... The Ethics of Transracial Adoption
    Hawley Fogg-Davis 10/2018

    Transracial adoption is one of the most contentious issues in adoption politics and in the politics of race more generally. Some who support transracial adoption use a theory of colorblindness, while ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, ODKLJ, UPUK
  • Children and the Politics o... Children and the Politics of Cultural Belonging
    Hearst, Alice 08/2012

    Conversations about multiculturalism rarely consider the position of children, who are presumptively nested in families and communities. Yet providing care for children who are unanchored from their ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • The traffic in babies The traffic in babies
    Balcom, Karen The traffic in babies, 2011, 20111215, 2011, 2015, 2011-12-15, 20110101

    "Between 1930 and the mid-1970s, several thousand Canadian-born children were adopted by families in the United States. At times, adopting across the border was a strategy used to deliberately avoid ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Contingent Kinship Contingent Kinship
    Mariner, Kathryn A 04/2019, Letnik: 2

    Based on ethnographic fieldwork at a small Chicago adoption agency specializing in transracial adoption,Contingent Kinshipcharts the entanglement of institutional structures and ideologies of family, ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • A Generation Removed A Generation Removed
    Jacobs, Margaret D 09/2014

    On June 25, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court heard the caseAdoptive Couple vs. Baby Girl, which pitted adoptive parents Matt and Melanie Capobianco against baby Veronica's biological father, Dusten ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UPUK
  • Adoption Internationale Adoption Internationale
    PÉROUSE DE MONTCLOS, Marie-Odile; POGGIONOVO, Marie-Paule; Sainte-Anne, Centre hospitalier 2016, 2016-01-18

    Si dans nombre d'adoptions internationales les processus affiliatifs se droulent sereinement, les cliniciens de l'enfance et de la parentalit sont souvent confronts la vulnrabilit de cette filiation ...
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  • To Save the Children of Korea To Save the Children of Korea
    Oh, Arissa H 2015, 2015-06-17

    To Save the Children of Korea is the first book about the origins and history of international adoption. Although it has become a commonplace practice in the United States, we know very little about ...
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Dostopno za: ODKLJ, UPUK
  • When the Good Object is als... When the Good Object is also a Thief: A Memoir of Adoption
    Guittard, Jennifer Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 02/2022, Letnik: 70, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    This contemporary Kleinian memoir explores the possible existence of an intrapsychic, adoption-specific preoedipal triad including child, birth mother, and adoptive mother that can shape the emerging ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, OILJ, SAZU, UKNU, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Invisible Asians Invisible Asians
    Park Nelson, Kim 2016, 20160318, 2016-03-30

    The first Korean adoptees were powerful symbols of American superiority in the Cold War; as Korean adoption continued, adoptees' visibility as Asians faded as they became a geopolitical success ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM
  • Claiming Others Claiming Others
    Jerng, Mark C 12/2010

    Transracial adoption has recently become a hotly contested subject of contemporary and critical concern, with scholars across the disciplines working to unravel its complex implications. In Claiming ...
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Dostopno za: UPUK
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zadetkov: 163.935

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