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zadetkov: 426.187
  • Too much to know Too much to know
    Blair, Ann 2010, 20101130, 2010-11-02, 20100101
    eBook, Book

    The flood of information brought to us by advancing technology is often accompanied by a distressing sense of "information overload," yet this experience is not unique to modern times. In fact, says ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UPUK
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • DDN3.0: Determining signifi... DDN3.0: Determining significant rewiring of biological network structure with differential dependency networks
    Fu, Yi; Lu, Yingzhou; Wang, Yizhi ... Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Abstract Motivation Complex diseases are often caused and characterized by misregulation of multiple biological pathways. Differential network analysis aims to detect significant rewiring of ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • snpAIMeR: R package for eva... snpAIMeR: R package for evaluating ancestry informative marker contributions in non-model population diagnostics
    Vertacnik, Kim L; Vernygora, Oksana V; Dupuis, Julian R Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Abstract Motivation Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are increasingly popular for population genomics and inferring ancestry for individuals of unknown origin. Because large SNP datasets ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • GenoFig: a user-friendly ap... GenoFig: a user-friendly application for the visualisation and comparison of genomic regions
    Branger, Maxime; Leclercq, Sébastien O Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Abstract Motivation Understanding the molecular evolutionary history of organisms usually requires visual comparison of genomic regions from related species or strains. Although several applications ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • MolDy: molecular dynamics s... MolDy: molecular dynamics simulation made easy
    Khan, Mohd Imran; Pathania, Sheetal; Al-Rabia, Mohammed W ... Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Abstract Motivation Molecular dynamics (MD) is a computational experiment that is crucial for understanding the structure of biological macro and micro molecules, their folding, and the ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Flexible parsing, interpret... Flexible parsing, interpretation, and editing of technical sequences with splitcode
    Sullivan, Delaney K; Pachter, Lior Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Abstract Motivation Next-generation sequencing libraries are constructed with numerous synthetic constructs such as sequencing adapters, barcodes, and unique molecular identifiers. Such sequences can ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • SuPreMo: a computational to... SuPreMo: a computational tool for streamlining in silico perturbation using sequence-based predictive models
    Gjoni, Ketrin; Pollard, Katherine S Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    The increasing development of sequence-based machine learning models has raised the demand for manipulating sequences for this application. However, existing approaches to edit and evaluate genome ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Figeno: multi-region genomi... Figeno: multi-region genomic figures with long-read support
    Sollier, Etienne; Heilmann, Jessica; Gerhauser, Clarissa ... Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 06/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Abstract Summary The vast amount of publicly available genomic data requires analysis and visualization tools. Here, we present figeno, an application for generating publication-quality FIgures for ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • MoLPC2: Improved prediction... MoLPC2: Improved prediction of large protein complex structures and stoichiometry using monte carlo tree search and AlphaFold2
    Chim, Ho Yeung; Elofsson, Arne Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 05/2024, Letnik: 40, Številka: 6
    Journal Article
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    Today, the prediction of structures of large protein complexes solely from their sequence information requires prior knowledge of the stoichiometry of the complex. To address this challenge, we have ...
Celotno besedilo
Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
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zadetkov: 426.187

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