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zadetkov: 5
  • Manliness Manliness
    Mansfield, Harvey C 03/2006

    This book invites-no, demands-a response from its readers. It is impossible not to be drawn in to the provocative (often contentious) discussion that Harvey Mansfield sets before us. This is the ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, ODKLJ, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Dom in delo na kmetijah Dom in delo na kmetijah
    Knežević Hočevar, Duška; Černič Istenič, Majda 2010
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    The monograph ('Home and Work on Farms: The Study of Generations and Gender Relationships') consists of eight thematically related chapters discussing ‘home and work’ in the farm population. The ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM

  • Kmečka družina na prehodu o... Kmečka družina na prehodu od tradicionalnosti k post-modernosti
    PINTERIČ, Lucija; ČERNIČ-ISTENIČ, Majda; VRTAČNIK, Jernej Acta agriculturae slovenica, 12/2006, Letnik: 88, Številka: 2
    Journal Article
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    Slovenska kmečka druûina se spreminja. V določenih segmentih öe ohranja svoje tradicionalne značilnosti, vendar vedno bolj prevzema tudi značilnosti moderne, mestoma celo post-moderne druûine. Tudi ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Gendered anthropology Gendered anthropology
    del Valle, Teresa 1993, 20130111, 2013-01-11, 2002-11-01, 19930101

    In the last three decades, a remarkable degree of progress has occurred in the study of gender within anthropology. Gendered Anthropology offers a thought-provoking, lively examination of current ...
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Dostopno za: NUK, ODKLJ, UL, UM, UPUK
  • Understanding the Gender Ga... Understanding the Gender Gap: An Economic History of American Women
    Goldin, Claudia 1992

    Using a unique set of data drawn from the US census, statistics, city directories, and other sources, the author looks at the differences between men and women in the US labour force. She shows that ...
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