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  • ISE, Noboru; MINATO, Emi; HIROSE, Takeshi

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2017, Letnik: 12
    Journal Article

    In order to solve the food desert problem, which is becoming a serious problem among mainly in rural areas of Japan, many studies based on RP data have been made on (1) the number of people in food desert and (2) the demand for shopping support services. With RP data, SP data is also often used in decision making for policies and measures. However, there are few studies which focus on the demand for shopping support services based on SP data (i.e. potential demand). This study aims to clarify the factors which influence on potential demand for shopping support services, in order to obtain fundamental knowledge to develop an estimation model for evaluating potential demand for them. The results demonstrate that people in food desert with low physical ability or poor shopping convenience can be assumed to use shopping support services by improving or newly introducing shopping support services.