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  • Some rare fossils from Slov...
    Mikuž, Vasja; Gašparič, Rok

    Geologija (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 12/2014, Letnik: 57, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    This contribution presents remains of very rare bivalves from Miocene beds of Meljski hrib, Vukovski dol and surroundings of Lenart in Slovenske gorice. Determined were bivalves Solemya doderleini (Mayer, 1861), Lentipecten denudatus (Reuss, 1867), Limaria labani (Meznerics, 1936), Cubitostrea digitalina (Dubois, 1831) and Ostrea lamellosa Brocchi, 1814. In northeastern borders of Maribor were found in sandy and micaceous marlstones of Meljski hrib next to bivalves also remains of ophiuroids. The studied inventory of mollusks and echinoderms belongs to Miocene beds of the southern part of the Styrian basin of the Central Paratethys.