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    Perenič, Urška

    Primerjalna književnost, 06/2017, Letnik: 40, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    The author walks through the main media-technological and cultural levels in the development of communications-i.e., writing, print and audio-visual media.Janez Strehovec's (Institute of New Media and Electronic Literature, Ljubljana) contribution introduces us to the world of hypertext fiction, where texts open new and bold worlds with the simple click of a link, and which experiments with word and letter at the intersection of technological achievements and practices.With the help of an experiment and the examples of selected poems that fall into the "period of the book" or (still) Gutenberg galaxy, the authors try to authenticate one of the main media-historical theses, saying that when technological innovations transform the means of representation, distribution and reception, they also transform the means of perception, cognition, remembering and comprehension.Authors are biased towards the question of which is "better" - classical reading from paper or reading on screen, even though the results of the pilot research show that there are no statistically relevant differences between the two.