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  • "Égloga", de Vicente Huidobro
    Goic, Cedomil; Grigera, López

    Revista chilena de literatura, 11/2003 63
    Journal Article

    En el sistcma creationista el pocta selecciona del mundo real u objetivo los asuntos o motivos que la subjetividad del poeta va a transformar mediante su lécnica particular para devolver al mundo en la forma de un poema creado. En su sistema de sclccción, el pocta se oricnta del mismo modo al yo como a objetos, hechos o circunstancias, propios o ajenos; a los textos propios, estableciendo un texto continuo -relaciones autotextuales caractenstícas de Huidobro-, o a textos ajenos. Entre estos se cucntan preferentemcnte los textos bíblicos del Génesis, del Génesis del Cantar de los cantares o del Apocalipsis de San Juan y de algún episodio evangélico como la Ultima Cena. Huidobro se orientó tambié'n hacia textos del Siglo de Oro que sirvieron de subtextos de algunos de sus más notables poemas de 1918. En este artículo se estudia la intertextualidad del pocma "Égloga", de Poemas drticos, con el género eglógico y elegíaco de poemas del Cantar de los cantares y de "Cántico espiritual" de San Juan de la Cruz. /// In the creationist system, the poet selects from the real world a subject matter or motif His subjectivity then transforms that subject matter or motif by means of a creationist technique which supplies to the real world a new object: a created poem. In his system of selection, the poet looks equally to the poetic "I" as to other subjects, to his own circumstances as well as to that of others, to his own texts (establishing thereby a continuous text, a phenomenon characteristic of Huidobro's poetry) and to other texts: the Biblical books of Genesis, the Song of Songs and Revelation, as well as Gospel passages such as "the Last Supper. "Huidobro also looked to the Spanish Golden Age for subtexts which he used in some of his most outstanding poems of 1918. In this article, I study the intertextuality of Vicente Huidobro's poem "Égloga" (Eclogue) with the eclogue as a lyrical poetic genre and particularly with the Songs of Songs and "Cdntico espiritual" (Spiritual Song) by Saint John of the Cross.