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  • Reviews of Book
    Wagar, W. Warren; McNeill, William H.; Di Cosmo, Nicola; De Silva, Chandra R.; Edbury, Peter; Shepard, Jonathan; Fernández-Armesto, Felipe; Kooi, Christine; Furgol, Edward; Howard, Deborah; Halliday, Fred; Craig, John; Mori, Jennifer; Hampson, Norman; Hill, Sarah H.; Milobar, K. David; Khoury, Dina Rizk; Dal Lago, Enrico; Cookson, J. E.; Smyth, Jim; Thompson, Andrew S.; Herzog, Richard Thorburn; Morrison, William R.; Clayton, David; Schoonover, Thomas; Gibson, Craig; Ceadel, Martin; Crapol, Edward P.; Beeler, John; French, David; Adamthwaite, Anthony; Judge, Joan; Till, Geoffrey; Tachau, Frank; Storey, Bryan C.; McFadden, David W.; Cohen, William B.; McKercher, B. J. C.; Neilson, Keith; Hess, Gary R.; Nautz, Jürgen; Maiolo, Joseph A.; Millett, Allan R.; Lukes, Igor; White, Nicholas J.; Kit-Ching, Chan Lau; Ninkovich, Frank; Chadwick, Owen; McInnes, Colin; Goda, Norman J. W.; Scates, Bruce; Morton, Desmond; Dunar, Andrew J.; Goldsworthy, David; Naylor, Phillip C.; Milward, Alan S.; Singh, Anita Inder; Abenheim, Donald; Fierke, K. M.; Aldrich, Richard J.; Brigham, Robert K.; Kaiser, Wolfram; Wooley, Wesley T.; Smith, Wayne S.; Haftendorn, Helga; Dobson, Hugo; Maxfield, Sylvia; Martin, Virginia; Kitchen, Martin; Kuzio, Taras; Sokolsky, Joel J.; Onuf, Nicholas; Loveman, Brian; Alger, Chadwick F.

    International history review, 20/3/1/, Letnik: 25, Številka: 1
    Book Review, Journal Article

    Geoffrey Blainey. A Short History of the World. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2002. Pp. xi, 464. 827.50 (US). Reviewed by W. Warren Wagar Alfred W. Crosby. Throwing Fire: Projectile Technology through History. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xii, 206. $26.00 (US). Reviewed by William H. Mcneill Edwin G. Pulleyblank. Central Asia and Non-Chinese Peoples of Ancient China. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate, Variorum, 2002. Pp. xii, 312. $105.95 (US). Reviewed by Nicola Di Cosmo Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Penumbral Visions: Making Polities in Early Modern South India. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. Pp. ix, 295. $49.50 (US). Reviewed by Chandra R. De Silva Susan B. Edgington and Sarah Lambert, eds. Gendering the Crusades. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi, 215. $18.50 (US), paper. Reviewed by Peter Edbury Thomas T. Allsen. Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xiii, 245. 860.00 (US). Reviewed by Jonathan Shepard Haim Beinart. The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, trans. Jeffrey M. Green. Oxford and Portland: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2002. Pp. xv, 591. $85.00 (US). Reviewed by Felipe Fernández-Armesto H. G. Koenigsberger. Monarchies, States Generals, and Parliaments: The Netherlands in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xix, 381. $75.00 (US). Reviewed by Christine Kooi Mary Elizabeth Ailes. Military Migration and State Formation: The British Military Community in Seventeenth-Century Sweden. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2002. Pp. xiv, 192. $50.00 (US). Reviewed by Edward Furgol Alastair Hamilton. Arab Culture and Ottoman Magnificence in Antwerp's Golden Age. London and Oxford: The Arcadian Library in association with Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 134. £60.00. Reviewed by Deborah Howard HARRY G. GELBER. Nations out of Empires: European Nationalism and the Transformation of Asia. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. ix, 263. $45.00 (US). Reviewed by Fred Halliday Leah S. Marcus, Janel Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose, eds. Elizabeth I: Collected Works. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Pp. xxiv, 446. $40.00 (US). Reviewed by John Craig Jeremy Black. European International Relations, 1648-1815. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2002. Pp. xiii, 274. $22.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Jennifer Mori Mlada Bukovansky. Legitimacy and Power Politics: The American and French Revolutions in International Political Culture. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002. Pp. viii, 255. $39.50 (US). Reviewed by Norman Hampson Patricia Seed. American Pentimento: The Invention of Indians and the Pursuit of Riches. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Pp. xii, 299. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Sarah H. Hill Patrick Griffin. The People with No Name: Ireland's Ulster Scots, America's Scots Irish, and the Creation of a British Atlantic World, 1689-1764. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001. Pp. xv, 244. $19.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by K. David Milobar Thomas Philipp. Acre: The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian City, 1730-1831. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Pp. 299. $17.50 (US), paper. Reviewed by DINA Rizk Khoury Don H. Doyle. Nations Divided: America, Italy, and the Southern Question. Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 2002. Pp. xvii, 130. $24.95 (US). Reviewed by Enrico Dal Lago Charles John Fedorak. Henry Addington, Prime Minister, 1801-1804: Peace, War, and Parliamentary Politics. Akron: University of Akron Press, 2002. Pp. xvii, 268. $44.95 (US). Reviewed by J. E. Cookson Dáire Keogh and Kevin Whelan, eds. Acts of Union: The Causes, Contexts, and Consequences of the Act of Union. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001; dist. Portland: ISBS. Pp. 270. $45.00 (US). Reviewed by Jim Smyth Klaus Gallo. Great Britain and Argentina: From Invasion to Recognition, 1806-26. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2002. Pp. vi, 195. $55.00 (US). Reviewed by Andrew S. Thompson Rory Muir. Salamanca 1812. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001. Pp. xiv, 322. $35.00 (US). Reviewed by Richard Thorburn Herzog William Barr, ed. and annotated. From Barrow to Boothia: The Arctic Journal of Chief Factor Peter Warren Dease, 1836-1839. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002. Pp. xi, 330. $49.95 (CDN). Reviewed by William R. Morrison Timothy Brook and Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi, eds. Opium Regimes: China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2000. Pp. xiv, 444. $22.95 (US) paper. Reviewed by David Clayton John Mason Hart. Empire and Revolution: The Americans in Mexico since the Civil War. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002. Pp.xi, 677. $39.95 (US). Reviewed by Thomas Schoonover Jeremy Black. Warfare in the Western World, 1882-1975. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. xii, 243. $19.95 (US)J paper; Jeremy Black, ed. European Warfare, 1815-2000. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2002. Pp. vii, 247. $22.95 (US) paper. Reviewed by Craig Gibson Paul B. Miller. From Revolutionaries to Citizens: Antimilitarism in France, 1870-1914. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2002. Pp. xii, 277. $21.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Martin Ceadel David Healy. James G. Blaine and Latin America. Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 2001. Pp. vii, 278. $39-95 (US). Reviewed by Edward P. Crapol Rolf Hobson. Imperialism at Sea: Naval Strategic Thought, the Ideology of Sea Power, and the Tirpitz Plan, 1875-1914. Boston and Leiden: Brill, 2002. Pp. x, 358. $90.00 (US). Reviewed by John Beeler Roderick R. McLean. Royalty and Diplomacy in Europe, 1890-1914. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xii, 239. $54.95 (US). Reviewed by David French Philippe Chassaigne and Michael Dockrill, eds. Anglo-French Relations, 1898-1998: From Fashoda to Jospin. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2002. Pp. xiii, 211. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Anthony Adamthwaite Rebecca E. Karl. Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2002. Pp. xii, 314. $19.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Joan Judge Christopher Mckee. Sober Men and True: Sailor Lives in the Royal Navy, 1900-1945. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2002. Pp.285. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Geoffrey Till Andrew Mango. Atatürk. London: John Murray, 2001. Pp. xiii, 666. £18.00, paper. Reviewed by Frank Tachau Susan Solomon. The Coldest March: Scott's Fatal Antarctic Expedition. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001. Pp. xxii, 383. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Bryan C. Storey Jaroslaw Suchoples. Finland and the United States, 1917-1919: The Early Years of Mutual Relations, trans. Tadeuz Z. Wolahski. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2000; dist. Portland: ISBS. Pp. 221. $29.95 (US) paper. Reviewed by David W. McFadden David Henry Slavin. Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919-1939: White Blind Spots, Male Fantasies, Settler Myths. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Pp. xv, 300. $42.50 (US). Reviewed by †William B. Cohen David French. Raising Churchill's Army: The British Army and the War against Germany, 1919-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. xii, 319. 821.95 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by B. J. C. McKercher Joseph Moretz. The Royal Navy and the Capital Ship in the Interwar Period: An Operational Perspective. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 2002. Pp. xxi, 292. $57.50 (US). Reviewed by Keith Neilson Frances Gouda with Thus Brocades Zaalberg. American Visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia: US Foreign Policy and Indonesian Nationalism, 1920-1949. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2002. Pp. 382. €31.90, paper. Reviewed by Gary R. Hess György Péteri. Global Monetary Regime and National Central Banking: The Case of Hungary, 1921-1929, trans. Mario D. Fenyo. Boulder and Wayne: East European Monographs and Center for Hungarian Studies, 2002; dist. New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. x, 199. $30.00 (US). Reviewed by Jürgen Nautz David Dutton. Neville Chamberlain. London and New York: Arnold and Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. xii, 245. £12.99 paper. Reviewed by Joseph A. Maiolo Steven T. Ross, ed. US War Plans: 1938-1945. Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner, 2002. Pp. ix, 371. $89.95 (US) Reviewed by Allan R. Millett Radomir Luza with Christina Vella. The Hitler Kiss: A Memoir of the Czech Resistance. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2002. Pp. x, 295. $34.95 (US). Reviewed by Igor Lukes Nicholas Tarling. A Sudden Rampage: The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia, 1941-1945. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2001. Pp. xv, 286. $36.00 (US). Reviewed by Nicholas J. White Andrew J. Whitfield. Hong Kong, Empire, and the Anglo-American Alliance at War, 1941-45. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. xii, 266. $65.00 (US). Reviewed by Chan Lau Kit-Ching James McAllister. NO Exit: America and the German Problem, 1943-1954. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2002. Pp. viii, 283. $39.95 (US). Reviewed by Frank Ninkovich Peter C. Kent. The Lonely Cold War of Pope Pius XII: The Roman Catholic Church and the Division of Europe, 1943-1950. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002. Pp. viii, 321. $45.00 (CDN). Reviewed by Owen Chadwick Tim Jones. Postwar Counterinsurgency and the SAS, 1945-1952: A Special Type of Warfare. London and Portland: Frank Cass, 2001. Pp. xxii, 233. $49.50 (US). Reviewed by Colin McInnes Richard Overy. Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945. New York and London: Viking, 2001. Pp. xxii, 650. $32.95 (US). Reviewed by Norman J. W. Goda Joy Damousi. Living with the Aftermath: Trauma, Nostalgia, and Grief in Postwar Australia. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. viii, 240. $60.00 (US). Review