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  • Stavovi zaposlenika o radu ...
    Druško, I; Nemarnik, R Ecimović

    Sigurnost, 10/2022, Letnik: 64, Številka: 3
    Journal Article, Web Resource

    Cilj istraživanja je prikazati prednosti i nedostatke rada od kuće te njegova utjecaja na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje zaposlenika kako bi se razvile preporuke koje bi pridonosile očuvanju zdravlja zaposlenika te pomogle poslodavcu da poduzme mjere koje su u njegovom području, a koje se mogu provoditi s ciljem očuvanja zdravlja zaposlenika kao i njegova zadovoljstva radom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 63 ispitanika; 22 muškarca i 41 žena, radno aktivnih. Korišten je anketni upitnik sastavljen od 30 pitanja. U upitniku su praćene varijable koje opisuju opće podatke o zaposlenicima: veličinu i tip tvrtke zaposlenika, organizaciju radnog mjesta, opremu za rad od kuće i financiranju iste, zakonsku regulativu o radu od kuće, psihološke posljedice rada od kuće, prednosti i nedostatke rada od kuće, pojavnosti bolnih sindroma pri radu od kuće, promjene funkcija i navika pri radu od kuće te opće zadovoljstvo radom od kuće. Rezultati su pokazali da su fleksibilnost i mogućnost usklađivanja privatnog i poslovnog života jedna od prednosti rada od kuće, a nedovoljno socijalnih kontakata i otežana komunikacija s kolegama na poslu, ometanje ukućana u radu, za sada još uvijek nedovoljna stimulacija tvrtki te zastarjelost zakonske regulative; nedostatci rada od kuće. Prednosti i nedostatke ovog rada autori su koristili kao preporuke za zaposlenike i poslodavce pri radu od kuće. Stoga rad od kuće u budućnosti neće biti samo bijeg od pandemije korona virusa, već i produktivan način rada koji će zaposlenicima i poslodavcima uštedjeti vrijeme putovanja na mjesto rada, smanjiti broj ozljeda na radu, smanjiti stres i negativne posljedice rada te unaprijediti sadašnje mogućnosti rada mnogih tvrtki. The aim of the research is to show the advantages and disadvantages of working from home and its impact on the mental and physical health of employees in order to develop recommendations that would contribute to preserving the health of employees and help the employer to take measures in its domain that can be implemented to preserve health of the employee and his job satisfaction. The study involved 63 respondents, 22 men and 41 women, working. We used a survey questionnaire composed of 30 questions. In the questionnaire, we followed the variables that describe: general information about employees: size and type of employee company, workplace organization, equipment for work from home and its financing, legislation on work from home, psychological consequences of work from home, advantages and disadvantages of at home, the incidence of painful syndromes at work from home, changes in functions and habits at work from home and general satisfaction with working from home. The results showed that flexibility and the possibility of reconciling private and business life are one of the advantages of working from home, and insufficient social contacts and difficult communication with colleagues at work, disruption of family members, insufficient stimulation of companies and obsolescence of labor regulations from home. We used the advantages and disadvantages of this work as recommendations for employees and employers when working from home. Therefore, we hope that working from home in the future will not only be an escape from the coronavirus pandemic but also a productive way of working that will save employees and employers time to travel to work, reduce injuries at work, reduce stress and negative consequences and improve current opportunities work of many companies.