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    Židovec, Vesna; Jusup, Silvija; Poje, Miroslav; Dujmovć Purgar, Dubravka

    Agronomski glasnik, 02/2021, Letnik: 82, Številka: 1-2
    Journal Article, Paper

    Školski vrtovi trebali bi proizaći iz sredine u kojoj se nalaze. Predstavljaju mjesta koja služe za boravak učenika u slobodno vrijeme, ali su pogodni i za proučavanje brojnih sadržaja vezanih uz nastavu i izvannastavne aktivnosti. Izuzetno je važno kod učenika razvijati pozitivne psihofizičke osobine, poticati usvajanje novih znanja i vještina u zdravom okruženju. Ovakav pristup učenju i ulozi okoliša u odgoju, trebao bi pobuditi interes za prirodu i stvoriti čim ranije što intimniju vezu učenika i prirode. Pregledom literature i arhivske građe te intervjuiranjem starijih stanovnika sakupljeni su podaci o biljnim vrstama koje su se nekad tradicionalno uzgajale u vrtovima na području općine Rugvica. Ti podaci, zajedno s podacima o prisutnosti biljnih vrsta školskog dvorišta, poslužili su kao temelj preporuka za odabir vrsta za uređenje okoliša škole. Pomoću literature određena je taksonomska pripadnost, životni oblik i porijeklo inventariziranih vrsta te je predložen niz vrtlarskih aktivnosti primjerenih djeci nižih razreda. Na području općine Rugvica u prošlosti se živjelo od poljoprivrede, a uz kuće su se nalazili povrtnjaci i voćnjaci. Na okućnicama je bilo i raznolikog ukrasnog bilja. U vrtu OŠ Rugvica determinirano je 17 biljnih porodica i 28 vrsta. Porodice s najvećim brojem vrsta su Pinaceae i Lamiaceae. U vrtu se nalaze i zanimljivi detalji (sjenica, meteorološka kućica, viseći vrt). Za dodavanje sadržaja vrtu predložene su povrtna, voćna, začinsko-ljekovita i tradicijska cvjetna gredica te je osmišljen cjelogodišnji program radionica za djecu za koje bi se materijali uglavnom mogli naći u školskom vrtu i bližem okolišu. School gardens should come out from the environment in which they are located. There, pupils should spend their free time, but they should be suitable for studying numerous contents related to curricular and extracurricular activities as well. It is extremely important for students to develop positive psychophysical characteristics, encourage the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in a healthy environment. Such approach in learning and the environmental role in education should arouse interest in the natural and create as intimate a connection between students and nature as possible. By reviewing the literature and archives and interviewing elderly residents, data were collected on plant species that were once traditionally grown in gardens in the municipality of Rugvica. The field visit listed the plant species of the school yard, and the literature determined the taxonomic affiliation, life form and origin. Based on the results of the interview and inventory, species for arranging the school environment were proposed, and with the help of the literature, an overview of gardening activities suitable for lower grade children was given. In the area of Rugvica, in the past, people lived from agriculture, and next to the houses there were vegetable gardens and orchards. There were also a variety of ornamental plants in the backyards. In the garden of the elementary school Rugvica, 17 plant families and 28 species were determined. The families with the largest number of species are Pinaceae and Lamiaceae. In the garden there are also interesting details (gazebo, meteorological house, hanging garden). To add content to the garden, vegetable, fruit, spice-medicinal and traditional flower beds have been proposed, and a year-round program of workshops has been designed for which materials could most often be found in the school garden and the surrounding area