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  • Percipirani dobici u nedaća...
    Stamenković Tadić, Barbara

    Metodički ogledi, 2019, Letnik: 26, Številka: 1
    Journal Article, Paper

    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati učinkovitost jednokratnih edukacija gimnazijalaca i studenata o pozitivnim učincima suočavanja s bolešću/invaliditetom (poput većeg cijenjenja zdravlja i života, promjene u životnim prioritetima, poboljšanja bliskih odnosa, vođenja zdravijeg stila života, većeg samopouzdanja, itd.). Prije i poslije edukacija prikupljeni su podaci od 11 učenika i 16 studenata pomoću semantičkog diferencijala te mjera za ispitivanje doživljaja stupnja hendikepiranosti, nesposobnosti i ovisnosti te mogućnosti vođenja sretnog i ispunjenog života kod osoba s kroničnom bolešću/invaliditetom. Podaci su analizirani jednosmjernim testom predznaka i jednosmjernim Wilcoxonovim testom ekvivalentnih parova. U završnim mjerenjima utvrđeni su pozitivniji prosječni opisi osoba s kroničnom bolešću/invaliditetom kod 7 učenika i 13 studenata. Najveća promjena stavova evidentirana je u smanjenju broja učenika koji oboljele doživljavaju nezadovoljnima i slabima te u smanjenju broja studenata koji oboljele doživljavaju nezadovoljnima i obeshrabrenima. Značajnija promjena stavova evidentirana je i u smanjenju broja sudionika koji oboljele doživljavaju slabima, tužnima, pasivnima i rezigniranima te u povećanju broja sudionika koji oboljele doživljavaju produktivnima. Nije došlo do promjene dominantno negativnih doživljaja oboljelih kao osoba s »hendikepom« te kao neprivlačnih, onesposobljenih i ovisnih o drugima. Nakon edukacija, više od 4/5 učenika i studenata izjavilo je da zbog stečenih spoznaja ima pozitivnije stavove prema bolesti i oboljelima te da će im one pomoći u unapređenju odnosa s oboljelim osobama i u suočavanju s bolestima tijekom života. U završnim mjerenjima utvrđeni pozitivniji stavovi sudionika prema bolesti/ invaliditetu i oboljelima sugeriraju relativnu učinkovitost provedenih edukacija te se preporuča njihova daljnja implementacija. The goal of the research was to question the efficiency of one-time educational programs for high school and college students in positive effects of dealing with ailment/disability (such as more appreciation of health, changes in life priorities, better relationships, healthier lifestyle, more confidence, etc.). Before and after the educational programs we have gathered data from 11 high school students and 16 college students with semantic differential and measures for perceiving the stage of the handicap, disability and dependence as well as a possibility for a person with chronic illness/disability to lead a happy and fulfilled life. The data have been analyzed by a one sided Sign Test and a one sided Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. In the final measurements we have determined more positive average descriptions of people with a chronic disease/disability by 7 high school and 13 college students. The biggest change in attitude has been recorded in a decreased number of high school students who perceive the challenged as unhappy and weak and in a decreased number of college students who perceive the challenged as unhappy and discouraged. A significant change in attitudes has also been recorded in a decreased number of participants who consider the challenged as weak, sad, passive and resigned and in an increased number of participants who perceive the challenged as productive. There hasn’t been a change in dominantly negative attitudes towards the challenged as people with handicaps, unattractive, disabled and dependent. After the educational programs more than 4/5 of high school and college students declared that due to the acquired knowledge they have a more positive attitude towards the ailment and the challenged and that this will help them improve the relationship towards the challenged and in coping with ailments in their life. In the final measurements the determined positive attitudes of participants towards ailments/disability and the challenged suggest that the educational programs have been relatively efficient and we recommend they are implemented further.