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  • The Price That Women in Ren...
    Rebetz, Jonathan S

    Acta neophilologica, 12/2021, Letnik: 54, Številka: 1-2
    Journal Article

    The article is a close reading of Isabella's soliloquy in act IV of The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd. Pointing at the difference between the role of women in Early Modern reality and their function in contemporary plays, it demonstrates the perversity of a society where women were regularly marginalized and where, even in theatre, their transgressions of the boundaries imposed on them by the patriarchal social apparatus led to extremely unfavourable repercussions. Isabella, emotionally crushed by the foul murder of her son, decides in her helplessness to take her own life. In a world dominated by men, she does not quietly accept her passive role, but works within its limitations to become a character that takes action, albeit action that ends her life. Before making the symbolic gesture of stabbing herself, she exclaims against the circumstances which drove her to it. Her speech can be seen as one of the climactic points of the play. Keywords: Renaissance drama, Senecan tragedy, Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy, patriarchy, soliloquy, suicide Prispevek je poglobljena analiza Izabelinega samogovora v IV. dejanju Spanske tragedije Thomasa Kyda. Clanek pokaze razkorak med podrejeno vlogo zensk v renesancni dobi in njihovo pomembno funkcijo v dramskih delih tistega casa ter obelodani perveznost druzbe, kjer so bile zenske marginalizirane in kjer je celo v dramatiki vsakrsna prestopitev mej, ki jim jih je dolocil patriarhat, imela zanje izjemno neugodne posledice. Izabela, ki jo custveno grudi pokvarjeni umor njenega sina, se v svoji nemoci odloci, da si bo vzela zivljenje. V svetu, ki ga vodijo moski, glasno zavrne svojo predpisano pasivno vlogo in znotraj njenih omejitev najde dejanje, ki bo vsaj na simbolicni ravni aktivno. Preden se zabode, vzklikne proti okoliscinam, ki ji vezejo roke in so jo do tega pripeljale. Njen samogovor je ena klimakticnih tock dramskega dela. Kljucne besede: renesancna dramatika, seneska tragedija, Thomas Kyd, Spanska tragedija, patriarhat, samogovor, samomor