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  • Pravila za upravljanje doku...
    Car, Tomislav; Muić, Vedran

    Arhivski vjesnik, 12/2022, Letnik: 65, Številka: 1
    Journal Article, Web Resource

    Suvremene informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije pred stvaratelje i vlasnike ili posjednike dokumentarnoga i arhivskoga gradiva postavljaju složene izazove u uvjetima u kojima ih se većina još uvijek pretežno služi “papirnatom” dokumentacijom u poslovanju. Recentni Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima, Pravilnik o upravljanju dokumentarnim gradivom izvan arhiva te Uredba o uredskom poslovanju (za svoje obveznike) postavili su temelje digitalne transformacije sustava upravljanja dokumentarnim gradivom. U tom pogledu njihove odredbe nisu uvijek samorazumljive i jednostavne, posebice ako se uzmu u obzir uvjeti koje postavljaju drugi provedbeni propisi koji reguliraju područje uredskoga poslovanja ili specifičnu djelatnost stvaratelja i vlasnika ili posjednika gradiva. Zato o ovoj problematici treba promišljati sustavno i dugoročno, odnosno formirati strategiju prelaska institucije na digitalno spisovodstvo. U radu su analizirani reprezentativni primjeri iz uzorka svih pravila za upravljanje dokumentarnim gradivom i popisa dokumentarnoga gradiva s rokovima čuvanja stvaratelja i posjednika ili vlasnika, izrađeni prema novim propisima (i odobreni od strane Hrvatskoga državnoga arhiva), koji pokazuju kako interni normativi koji reguliraju upravljanje gradivom mogu (i moraju) postati integralni čimbenik takve strategije. Na temelju toga je razmotreno i koliko su stvaratelji i posjednici ili vlasnici uopće usvojili rješenja koja nude propisi kad je riječ o pripremi i provođenju digitalne transformacije. Contemporary information and communications technologies pose complex challenges to public institutions and other legal persons which create, own or possess records and archives. The problems generated by these challenges are even more acute when one considers that most of the public institutions and legal persons in Croatia still predominantly rely on “paper” i.e. analogue docu-mentation in their everyday business. In that regard the recent Act on Archives and Archival Institutions (Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima), the Regula-tion on Records Management of the Public Authority Bodies (Uredba o ured-skom poslovanju) and the Ordinance on the Management of Records Outside the Archival Institutions (Pravilnik o upravljanju dokumentarnim gradivom izvan arhiva) laid out a robust foundation for the gradual digital transformation of the records management system. However, the provisions of all these regula-tions addressing these questions are not always self-explanatory and simple, espe-cially if one takes into account the conditions set by other relevant regulations which affect the area of records management of creators and owners or possessors of records and archives. That is why this issue needs to be considered in a thor-ough, systematic fashion over the long-term period. In other words, public insti-tutions and other legal persons which create, own or possess records and archives should define a strategy on how to implement a transition to digital record-keeping, which will allow for more efficient management of both analogue as well as digital records. The paper analyses a sample of internal normative acts of creators, owners or possessors of records and archives approved by Croatian State Archives since recent Act on Archives and Archival Institutions, and other relevant regulations came into force. The indicative examples of these acts (Rules for the Records Management and Records Disposal Schedules) singled out from the sample illus-trate the possibilities offered by recent legislation and regulation on how to sup-port the transition to digital records management system. That said, the paper argues that these acts can (and must) become an integral element of abovemen-tioned transition strategy in the period when paper documentation is still very much in circulation at the same time when digital records are inexorably becom-ing the new norm. Second goal of the analysis is to consider how much are the creators and owners or possessors of records and archives in Croatia prepared to adopt the described solutions offered by the regulations when it comes to implementation of the digital transformation. The paper argues that there are noticeable advancesin this area, but that many still prefer to think about records management along traditional patterns related to conventional records “on paper”.