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    Lajevec, Eva

    Keria (Ljubljana.), 07/2007, Letnik: 9, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    The paper represents the main part of an extensive research into Slovene words borrowed from Latin. Although limited to Latin loan-words occurring in the spoken language of the younger generation, the research has revealed the general tendencies of adopting Latin linguistic elements into Slovene. At the primary level, the nouns used as research material are divided on the basis of their gender in Slovene. These groups are further subdivided by the gender of the original Latin nouns, and by their Latin suffixes as rendered in Slovene. A notable observation is that all neuter Latin nouns in the singular change their gender to masculine when borrowed into Slovene, whereas the other nouns retain theirs with equal consistency. The majority of examples addressed in this study attest to the considerable linguistic ability of borrowers from Latin into Slovene, so that the rare loan-words which defy expectations come as a surprise. Most of them are feminine nouns with the Latin suffixes -ntia, -io and -tas. The research into the abovementioned noun groups reveals that the process of borrowing linguistic elements from Latin into Slovene did not occur in isolation. On the contrary, it was influenced by several European languages, notably by French and German.