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  • Seals of John and Ladislaus...
    Novák, Ádám

    Zgodovinski časopis, 12/2023, Letnik: 77, Številka: 3-4
    Journal Article

    Following the return of Ladislaus the Posthumous, John Hunyadi, in recognition of his previous services, gained an extension to his coat of arms from the ruler, and, in addition, he was granted with the title Count of Bistrița (Hung. Beszterce). His eldest son Ladislaus also held the title. Pressed under texts, several copies of his red wax seal have survived; however, these are damaged, fragmented and blurred. Only a charter, dated Buda, March 31, 1456 in the charter collection of the counts of Celje (Cilli) in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (Arhiv Republike Slovenije) has a well preserved and intact pendant seal. It contains both seals of the counts of Bistrița, John Hunyadi and his son, Ladislaus Hunyadi. The aim of this paper is to present the brief historical background of the charter and to describe seals found on the charter.