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  • Our Magnetic Resonance Imag...
    Cakir, Caglayan; Kilinc, Fatih; Salik, Aysun Erbahceci; Selcuk, Hakan

    Medical journal of Bakirköy, 06/2020, Letnik: 16, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    Objective: We aimed to examine the technical success, early-stage clinical results and radiological follow up findings of uterine artery embolization (UAE) treatment for symptomatic uterine fibroids in patients. Method: In the present study, we retrospectively evaluated the patients who were admitted to our hospital. Between February 2017 and July 2019 with symptoms due to uterine fibroids namely myomas and underwent endovascular embolization treatment. Patients with complaints of excessive, prolonged, irregular, and frequent episodes of uterine bleeding, anemia, abdominal pain, palpable mass, and pollakiuria associated with uterine myoma which impaired quality life of the patients were included in this study. In addition, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings, and clinical symptoms of all patients before UAE, and 6th months after UAE were recorded. Results: In our study, a total of 40 patients aged between 23-50 years (mean 41.3), one of whom had a history of hysterectomy underwent UAE procedure in our hospital. In our series, clinical symptoms, MRI and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) findings were presented. Uterine fibroid volumes as estimated based on MRI images obtained before--and 6 months after UAE were recorded (234,47 + or - 76,48 vs 17,27 + or - 43,53 (p=0,001). Embolization was cancelled due to intense atherosclerotic causes in one patient, and embolization of unilateral uterine artery could be achieved. The remaining 39 patients underwent successful UAE procedure bilaterally. There were no complications associated with endovascular procedure. After the procedure, all of these 39 patients were discharged on the same day following bed rest and one patient could be discharged one week later due to the development of urosepsis. Conclusion: UAE is a novel treatment modality which is being increasingly used in patients with symptomatic uterine fibroids, and it is an important and effective treatment option since it is much less invasive compared to hysterectomy, does not require hospitalization after the procedure and can be performed under simple sedation or spinal anesthesia. Keywords: uterine fibroids, uterine artery, embolization, magnetic resonance imaging Amac: Calismamizda miyom nedeniyle semptomlari olan hasta grubunda Uterin Arter Embolizasyon (UAE) tedavisinin teknik basari, erken donem klinik sonuclari ve radyolojik takip bulgularini gozden gecirmeyi amacladik. Yontem: Subat 2017-Temmuz 2019 tarihleri arasinda hastanemize uterin fibroide yani miyoma bagli semptomlari nedeniyle basvurup UAE tedavi islemi uygulanan hastalari retrospektif olarak inceledik. Calismaya yasam kalitesini bozacak sekilde miyoma bagli miktar olarak fazla, uzun sureli, sik ve duzensiz araliklarla olan uterin kanamalar, anemi, karin agrisi, ele gelen kitle ve sik idrara cikma sikayetleri olan hastalar dahil edildi. Tum hastalarda UAE oncesi ve UAE sonrasi 6. ayda, manyetik rezonans goruntuleme (MRG) ile klinik semptomlari kaydedildi. Bulgular: Calismamizda uterin fibroide bagli semptomlari olan 23-50 yas arasi (ort. 41,3) daha once bir tanesi histerektomi operasyonu gecirmis olmak uzere toplam kirk hastaya UAE islemi yapildi. Serimizde hastalarin klinik semptomlari, MR ve dijital subtraksiyon anjiyografi (DSA) bulgulari sunulmustur. UAE oncesi ve 6. ayda total, MR Uterin fiboid hacmi; 234,47 + or - 76,48 ve 117,27 + or - 43,53 (p=0,001) olup UAE oncesi ve 6. aydaki degerleri kayit altina alindi. Bir hastada yogun aterosklerotik sebeplerden dolayi islem iptal edilmis olup tek tarafli uterin arter embolize edilebilmistir. Otuz dokuz hastada cift tarafli olarak basarili bir sekilde UAE islemi uygulanmistir. Hastalarda endovaskuler islemle iliskili herhengi bir komplikasyon gelismedi. Toplam 39 hasta islemin ertesi gunu yatak istirahatini takiben ayni gun taburcu edilmis olup 1 hastada urosepsis gelismesi nedeniyle 1 hafta sonra tabucu edilebilmistir. Sonuc: UAE miyomu olan hastalarda giderek artar siklikta kullanilmakta olan oncelikle tercih edilmesi gereken alternatif bir tedavi yontemi olup histerektomiye gore cok daha az invaziv olmasi, islem sonrasi hastanede yatis gerektirmemesi ve basit sedasyon ya da spinal anestezi altinda yapilabilir olmasi ile onemli alternatif bir secenektir. Anahtar kelimeler: miyom, embolizasyon, uterin arter, manyetik rezonans