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  • II. Abdulhamid Doneminden B...
    Saribal, Ismet

    Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 12/2023, Letnik: 13, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    Haci Ismail Hakki Bey, Tirnova Evkaf Muhasebecisi Mustafa Refik Efendi'nin ogluydu. Kucuk yasta memuriyet hayatina basladi. Midhat Pasa'yla olan tanisikligi memuriyet hayatini Istanbul'da surdurmesinin onunu acti. Kayserili Ahmed Pasa'nin kiziyla evlenerek Babiali'deki nepotizm agina dahil oldu. Sultan II. Abdulhamid'in iktidara gelisi ve mesruti idareye gecilmesi surecinde Haci Ismail Hakki Efendi Sura-yi Devletteki isinden oldu. Bir muddet sonra mulazemetle Beyoglu Bidayet Mahkemesinde ise basladi ve hakimlige kadar uzanan yeni bir kariyer yoluna girdi. II. Mesrutiyet'in ilani oncesinde hakimlikten atildi. Ardindan Sehremaneti Azaligina tayin edildi. Gizli bir gorevle Selanik'e gonderildi. Selanik'te suikasta ugradi, sag olarak kurtuldu. Istanbul'a dondukten sonra hafiye damgasi yedi, "Izhar-i Hakikat yahut Serguzest" adini verdigi bir risale yazip basindan gecenleri anlatarak hafiye olmadigini ispatlamaya calisti. 31 Mart Vakasi sonrasinda Ittihad-i Muhammedi Cemiyeti uyesi oldugu iddiasiyla Rodos'a surgune gonderildi. Bu calismada Izhar-i Hakikat yahut Serguzest adli risalesi uzerinden Haci Ismail Hakki Bey'in hayati hakkinda degerlendirmelerde bulunulacaktir. Anahtar kelimeler: II. Abdulhamid, hafiye, nepotizm, serguzest, Ismail Hakki Bey Jel Siniflandirma Kodlari: Z00, D73 Haci Ismail Hakki Bey was the son of Tirnova Evkaf Accountant Mustafa Refik Efendi. He started his career as a civil servant at a young. His acquaintance with Midhat Pasha paved the way for him to continue his civil service life in Istanbul. He was involved in the nepotism network in Babiali by marrying the daughter of Kayserili Ahmed Pasha. In the process of Sultan Abdulhamid II coming into power and transitioning to the constitutional administration, Haci Ismail Hakki Efendi lost his job in the Council of State (Sura-yi Devlet). After a while, he started working at the Beyoglu Bidayet Court and embarked on a new career path that extended to judgeship. He was fired from judgeship before the proclamation of the Second Constitutional Monarchy. Afterward, he got appointed as a member of the Sehremaneti. He was sent on a secret mission to Selanik (Thessaloniki). He survived an assassination attempt in Selanik (Thessaloniki). Upon his return to Istanbul, he was labeled as a spy and he wrote a pamphlet entitled "Izhar-i Hakikat yahut Serguzest" describing his experiences to prove that he wasn't spy. He was exiled to Rhodes due to the claims of being a member of the Ittihad-i Muhammedi Cemiyeti (Committee of Muhammedi Union). He requested forgiveness from the Ittihat ve Terakki administration (Committee of Union and Progress) and was eventually forgiven. In this study, evaluations will be made about the life of Haci Ismail Hakki Bey, through his pamphlet "Izhar-i Hakikat yahut Serguzest". Keywords: Abdulhamid II, spy, nepotism, serguzest, Ismail Hakki Bey JEL Classification Codes: Z00, D73