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  • Lacković, Nikola

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Gubar je polifagni leptir rasprostranjen većim dijelom sjeverne hemisfere. Za gubara su karakteristične periodičke gradacije, a zbog polifagnosti i sposobnosti za longitudinalne i latitudinalne ekspanzije spada među najznačajnije biotske uzročnike poremećaja i šteta u šumama Europe, a štete se generalno povećavaju od zapada prema istoku i od sjevera prema jugu. Kompleksi prirodnih neprijatelja imaju izraženu ulogu u regulaciji brojnosti i na populacijsku dinamiku gubara, no genska raznolikost s druge strane značajno doprinosi sposobnosti prilagodbe i opstanka vrste. Pojava gradacija varira između različitih područja Europe, što potiče pitanje o genetičkim razlikama između populacija, a što je dodatno potkrijepljeno poznatim posljedicama Kvaternarnih glacijacija. Upotrebom COI mitohondrijskog DNA biljega analizirano je 497 jedinki sa 38 lokaliteta u Europi. Ustanovljena je općenito visoka genska raznolikost i značajna strukturiranost u 8 glavnih filogeografskih grupa. Rekolonizacijski obrazac gubara podudara se sa paradigmom leptir, pri čemu su Dinaridi djelovali kao barijera toku ilirskih gena. Populacije iz Gruzije posjeduju značajno različite haplotipove od ostatka Europe, no one u kontekstu predviđenih pomicanja areala gubara kao posljedice klimatskih promjena ne predstavljaju velik rizik. Međutim, ilirske populacije koje posjeduju najvišu gensku raznolikost, predstavljaju visok rizik u slučaju širenja u genski siromašne populacije koje nastanjuju visoko vrijedne šumske sastojine kontinentalnog bazena Balkanskog poluotoka.- The gypsy moth is a polyphagous butterfly spread throughout the northern hemisphere. Gypsy moth has characteristic periodic outbreaks, and due to its polyphagous nature and capabilities for longitudinal and latitudinal expansion it is considered one of the significant biological agents causing disturbances and damage in forests of Europe. The damage is generally higher from west to east and from north to south. Complex of natural enemies play a strong role in the regulation of the gypsy moth population density and dynamics, but the genetic diversity on the other hand significantly contributes to the adaptive capacity and survival of the species. The outbreak occurence varies between different regions of Europe, which raises the question of possible genetic differences between populations, additionally supported by the known consequences of quaternary glaciations. Using the COI mitochondrial DNA marker, 497 specimens from 38 sites in Europe were analyzed. Generally high genetic diversity and significant structure of the 8 major phylogenetic groups was observed. Recolonisation pattern of gypsy moth is congruent with the butterfly paradigm, with Dinarid Alps acted as a barrier for the Illyrian genes. Populations from Georgia have significantly different haplotypes from the rest of Europe, but in the context of the predicted gypsy moth range shift as a result of climate change they dont represent a high risk. However, the Illyrian populations that possess the highest genetic diversity represent a high risk in the event of expansion in genetically poor populations in highly valuable forest stands of continental basin of the Balkan Peninsula- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana