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  • Association DUM (Društvo umetnikov)

    Video Recording

    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- ROOM and ROAD je odprta zgodba, ki ne zatajuje hrepenenja do premika, do daljave, do sprememb.Je zgodba, ki govori sama o sebi, o elementarnem, o gibanju. ROOM and ROAD je lahko tudi zgodba o deklini in potepuhu, ali o nedosegljivi bežeči točki, ki ima vznemirljivo privlačnost, o popotniku, ki se ustavi le kadar je z mislimi že v nekem naslednjem kraju. ROOM and ROAD sta tudi dva prostora, ki se v različnosti dopolnjujeta, prvi je zaprt in drugi odprt. Sta dva pola, ki se snubita in, ki se lahko hkrati navdihujeta in si nasprotujeta. Sta kot dva značaja, ki ju ni moč razdvojiti saj prežita v vseh nas. Gregor Podnar ROOM and ROAD je nadaljevanje načina dela, kot ga je Mateja Bučar zastavila v predhodnem performansu (Koncept Koncepta), v katerem se plesalka sooča s prostorom, ki se s pomočjo računalniskega programa lahko giblje in tako postane njen "živ" partner. V performansu ROOM and ROAD sta dva gibajoča prostora, prvi je zaprt- notranji prostor (Room), ki je skozi svoje lastno lastno gibanje v dialogu z zunanjim prostorom (Road), hkrati pa sta oba »gibajoča prostora« tudi v dialogu z dvemi ali tremi plesalci, ki "potujejo",se gibljejo in plešejo z njima in med med njima.- Video documentation of the performance Room and Road. ROOM and ROAD is an open story, speaking about the desire to make a move, to long for distance and for change. It is a story speaking about the elemental, about the motion, about itself. ROOM and ROAD is a story about a girl and a tramp, about unreachable point t that has un exciting charm and about a traveler who stops in one place but his mind is already in another ROOM and ROAD, is also two different spaces completing each other, one closed and the other open are at the same time the two human poles endlessly opposing, inspiring and seducing each other. Gregor Podnar Room and Road explores and presents innovative way to use a computer generated projection as a base for the light and space solution in the performance. The computer program that enables spaces to move and change also enables certain space to be in a relation with a dancer. The person behind the keyboard manipulates and creates the »moving« space, its walls to move, floor to disappear, reappear, jump or turn; It all happens in real time - he or she on the keyboard becomes, next to the dancers, an active performer. The importance lies in the idea, to let the space that is generally perceived as motionless, static or dead, to present itself as moving and alive - to indicate the possibility for yet untaught or unimagined to become real.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana