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  • Ass essing the thermo-toler...
    Melesse, Aberra; Maak, Stefan; Pingel, Heinz; Lengerken, Gerhard von

    Acta agriculturae slovenica, 06/2013, Letnik: 102, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Assessing the thermo-tolerance potentials of five commercial layer chicken genotypes under long-term heat stress environment as measured by their performance traits This study was conducted to test the thermo-tolerance ability of five commercial chicken genotypes (Lohmann Brown, LB; Lohmann White, LW; New Hampshire, NH ; White Leghorn selected for low feed expenditure, WL-FE and White Leghorn with sex-linked dwarf gene, WL-dw) under long-term heat exposure. Two-hundred forty female chickens were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 5 × 2 factorial arrangements (five genetic groups and two ambient temperatures thermo-neutral, 18-20 °C; heat stress, 30-32 °C). Individual eggs were collected on daily basis while egg weight and feed intake were determined on individual and group basis at 28-days intervals, respectively. Shell quality traits were determined at 25, 40 and 56 weeks age. No Genotype × ambient temperature interactions were found except for body weight and egg deformation. Chickens at thermo-neutral temperature produced significantly heavier eggs than those of heat-exposed (60 g vs. 54 g). Hen-housed egg production of chickens in thermo-neutral temperature was significantly higher than those of heat-stressed (76.8 % vs. 66.2 %). Daily egg mass production at thermo-neutral and heat stressed chickens was 46 g and 35.8 g, respectively. Feed consumption in heat-stressed and thermo-neutral chickens was 109 and 80.8 g, respectively. Shell thickness, breaking strength and Haugh unit values were significantly reduced in heat-stressed chickens. Among heat-exposed chickens, the NH had the highest body weight while the LW produced 10 % more eggs than the group average. The heat-induced effect on shell quality traits was lowest in LW chickens. The results indicated that the magnitude of heat stress was breed dependent in which the LB showed poor adaptability to heat stress while both NH and LW genotypes demonstrated better thermo-tolerance ability. Ocena tolerančnega potenciala petih komercianih genotipov kokoši nesnic na osnovi proizvodnih lastnosti pod pogoji dolgotrajnega toplotnega stresa V študiji smo testirali toplotno toleranco petih komercialnih genotipov kokoši (Lohmann Brown, LB; Lohmann White, LW; New Hampshire, NH ; beli leghorn, selekcioniran na nizko porabo krme, WL-FE in beli leghorn s spolno vezanim genom za pritlikavost, WLdw) pod pogoji dolgotrajne izpostavljenosti visokim temperaturam. Za naključno zasnovan 5 × 2 faktorski poskus (pet genetskih skupin in dve ambientalni temperaturi termo nevtralna, 18-20 °C; toplotni stres, 30-32 °C) smo uporabili 240 kokoši. Jajca smo zbirali individualno vsak dan, poraba krme pa je bila ocenjena individualno in za posamezne skupine v 28-dnevnih intervalih. Kakovost jajčne lupine smo ocenili pri starosti 25, 40 in 56 tednov. Med genotipi in okoljskimi temperaturami nismo našli interakcij, razen za telesno maso in deformacije jajc. Kokoši so v termo nevtralnem okolju proizvajale statistično zančilno težja jajca (60 g) kot kokoši pod toplotnim stresom (54 g). Proizvodnja jajc kokoši v termo nevtralnem okolju je bila statistično značilno višja (76,8 %) kot pod pogoji toplotnega stresa (66,2 %). Dnevna proizvodnja jajčne mase je bila višja v termonevtralnem okolju (46 g) kot pod pogoji toplotnega stresa (35,8 g). Poraba krme v termo nevtralnem okolju je bila nižja (80,8 g) kot pod pogoji toplotnega stresa (109 g), debelina jajčne lupine, trdnost lupine in vrednosti v Haughovih enotah so bile statistično značilno zmanjšane pri kokoših v pogojih toplotnega stresa. Med kokošmi pod toplotnim stresom je imel genotip NH najvišjo telesno maso, genotip LW pa je proizvedel 10 % več jajc kot je bilo povprečje skupine. Najmanj opazen je bil vpliv okoljske temperature na kakovost lupine pri genotipu LW. Naši rezultati kažejo, da je stopnja toplotnega stresa odvisna od genotipa, pri čemer ima LB najslabšo prilagodljivost na toplotn stres, medtem ko sta genotipa NH in LW pokazala boljšo toleranco za povišano okoljsko temperaturo.