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    Kovpik, Svitlana

    Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 2022 10
    Journal Article

    The paper deals with the peculiarities of literary modeling the image of a genius in the novel „Mozart from Lamberg” by the modern Ukrainian writer B. Kolomiychuk. It is claimed that Franz’s motivation for genius was formed in childhood (his mother constantly reminded him of his father and tried to convince his son that he was the same genius composer as his father). He also had innate abilities of reality reflection and unique presentation of its essence (Franz heard music everywhere, different sounds inspired him to create new compositions). It is noted that in the novel the writer did not demonstrate the power of the inherited genotype, as well as the development of intelligence and favorable conditions for its strengthening. Franz was well aware that his father’s genius of composition would never be achieved. However, he still wanted to be worthy of his father’s memory. Such leading traits of Franz’s character as honesty and responsibility contributed to the fact that he established himself as a person who had his own unique abilities.