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  • Diversity of Bytterfly Faun...
    Čelik, Tatjana

    Acta Biologica Slovenica, 12/2004, Letnik: 47, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    In 2001 and 2002 buttert1y diversity were sampled in Skocjanske jame Regional Park, across 9 habitat types: dry grasslands, semi-dry grasslands, unmanaged dry grasslands (dry grasslands in the early successional stages), culti­ vated grasslands, abandoned fields, woodland margins, woodland paths, tracks and rides, screes and settlements. A total of 90 species of butterflies were recorded, which represent 50% of Slovenian butterfly fauna. All-European (33%), south-European (20%) and southeast-European (17%) species are prevailing. The butterfly fauna consists of grassland (56 spp.), seminemoral (16 spp.), nemoral (8 spp.) and ubiquitous (10 spp.) species. Among grassland species are 34 (39%) mesophilous and 22 (24%) xerothermophilous species. A total of 18 (20%) species are threatened at a European and a national level. Species composition of habitat type depends on floristic composition and structure of vegetation in habitat type, and land­ scape structure, which affects dispersal of butterfly species. The highest alfa diversity was found in dry grasslands (62 spp.) and unmanaged dry grasslands (60 spp.). The large proportions of special­ ist species and habitat heterogeneous area result in high values of beta diversity between habitat types and high gama diversity. For preserving the high species richness and threatened species in studied area, the most important habitat types are dry grasslands, semi-dry grasslands, unmanaged dry grasslands, woodland margins, woodland paths and screes. V letih 2001 in 2002 smo v Regijskem parku Skocjanske jame popisovali favno dnevnih metuljev v 9 habitatnih tipih: suhi travniki, polsuhi travniki, zarascajoci suhi travniki, gojeni travniki, njive, gozdni robovi, gozdne poti, melisca in naselja. Zabelezili smo 90 vrst dnevnihmetuljev, kar je 50 % favne dnevnih metuljev Slovenije. Prevladujejo vseevropske (33 %), juznoevropske (20 %) in juznovzhodnoevropske (17 %) vrste. Favno sestavljajo travniske (56 vrst), grmovne (16 vrst), gozdne (8 vrst) in ubikvitarne (10 vrst) vrste. Med travngkimi vrstami je 34 (39 %) mezofilnih in 22 (24 %) kserotermofilnih vrst. 18 (20 %) reg­ istriranih vrstje evropsko in nacionalno ogrozenih. Sestava favne metuljev v habi­ tatnem tipu je odvisna od vrstne sestave in strukturiranosti vegetacije v habitatnem tipu ter zgradbe krajinskega mozaika, ki vpliva na disperzijo vrst. Alfa diverziteta je najvecja na kosenih (62 vrst) in zarascajocih (60 vrst) suhih travnikih. Razloga za velike vrednosti beta diverzitet in visoko gama diverziteto sta prisotnost ekolosko specializiranih vrst in heterogenost obmocja. Z vidika ohranjanja vrstne raznolikosti in ogrozenih vrst dnevnih metuljev so v parku najpomembnejsi nasled­ nji habitatni tipi: suhi travniki, polsuhi travniki, zarascajoci suhi travniki, gozdne poti in gozdni robovi ter melisca.